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Why the Burleigh Family? Why Now?

This site presents an extraordinary family.

One family - two parents, seven siblings, and their children. All were dedicated to reforming human society, most particularly in the struggle to abolish slavery and ensure equality to all people. The Burleigh family members conducted their reform activities with an eye to aesthetic, moral, and spiritual principles, as exemplified in their essays, poetry, and, in later generations, visual art works. They were white Americans who celebrated their heritage from the Pilgrims, but used that legacy as a goad to improve and perfect the nation they had inherited.  The seven siblings of the core generation all spent significant years of their lives in Abolitionist work and a  wide range of other reform movements. And more convincingly than many white Abolitionists, they sustained an anti-racist politics that acknowledged Black people as colleagues, leaders, students, and political actors; they were pro-feminist and early advocates of women's rights and suffrage campaigns. The Burleigh family were "woke" white activists, within the context of the nineteenth century. Therefore, their successes and shortcomings can be instructive now, especially for white people who seek to be allies in anti-racist struggles.

For scholars and specialists, the gathering and collation of the widely scattered materials on the Burleigh family fills a noticeable gap in the history of the Abolition movement, and in nineteenth-century reform more generally. The Burleigh names are omnipresent in Abolitionist writings and chronicles (as will become apparent when studying their timelines), but secondary literature that focuses on them is woefully thin. This archive seeks to make materials by and about this family accessible, while also presenting a deep level of detail for scholars. Local historians, for instance, should be able to search their town, state, or county to see if one of the Burleigh brothers spoke there. Social historians can see how a high-profile family was strained by the Abolitionist faction fight of the 1840s that resulted in organizational splits. Both the omnipresence of women's voices, and the growth in an articulated feminism, are reflective of the extraordinary women whom the brothers married. 

For general readers and students, the timelines, stories and newspapers illustrate the high level of commitment by leaders and supporters in the Abolition movement. At least three of the siblings - Charles, William and George - could have attained far greater fame in conventional fields in their own lifetimes if they had eschewed reform. But instead they embraced the goal of realizing a better America and a better world. While some of their notions of what would constitute a "better" world may seem quaint or utterly wrong-headed now (e.g. temperance, anti-Masonry, Bible tract societies), the fact remains that their primary goals of eradicating slavery and ensuring equal rights sustained them as individuals and as a family for over forty years. 

Seven Siblings and Seven Causes

The Seven Causes listed here are the most significant areas of achievement for the core Burleigh siblings. Each of the siblings is represented either by their portrait or a suitable artifact (until a portrait is discovered). Along the diagonal from the top left: George, William, Charles, Cyrus; below George is Lucian; the singature at the bottom is John; the excerpt from the Brooklyn Female Anti-Slavery Society represents Mary.

Topics and Themes

This website focuses on the Burleigh family, because their myriad activities, over multiple generations, provide a prismatic approach to studying history in all of its dialectic complexity. This site is most focused on establishing an anti-racist legacy, with the evidence to demonstrate it, through the actions of this particular white family. However, it is also the case that one can follow threads here that will address these additional topics, among others:

1. the relation between political action and artistic expression;

2. the interactions between reform movement causes in the nineteenth-century;

3. how internal disputes among those fighting for a similar cause can occur, can be enflamed or relieved;

4. networks of people established by incidents, geographic proximity, and shared causes;

5. the internal life of a revolutionary moment in American history, told through one family's journey;

6. nineteenth century print culture, and its relation to advertising, poetry, and graphics.

This home page provides the basic presentation of the family, with links to who they are, why they are important, and an outline of each person's life. Full bibliographies, time lines, and more are under development.

Chapters in the Family History, and Thematic Pages

The Sixteen Burleigh Family Members Profiled in this Project

☞Assistance Requested!☜

The Burleigh Family project could use assistance from enterprising graduate students or independent scholars who study Nineteenth-Century American Poetry (students of English or American Studies),  as well as students of late-nineteenth century painting and lithography (students of Art History and Design). 

The work will be published on this site, which is sponsored by San José State University.

To reach Dr. Jennifer Rycenga, member of the Burleigh research team, you can email her at

Frog with a Mushroom Umbrella
This site will reveal whimsical touches for the intrepid seeker.
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