Gertrude Kimber Burleigh: Quaker Partner to Charles

Feminist, singer, Quaker, abolitionist, and thinker. She loved her husband, in all his quirkiness. 

Sidney Southworth describes her thus on first meeting in March of 1843:

"I saw C.C.B. and his wife there. Charles’ wife is a splendid specimen of her sex and race as I ever saw. If humanity were all like her, and no matter how much better, the moral world would not remain a chaos long. A power would effectually be exerted to bring it into shape."
(Southworth letter to GSB 1843-05-01, HA 1274; cf. 1843-06-03 - John Hay Collection, Brown University)

Stay Tuned!
The Best is Yet to Come

Gertrude Kimber Burleigh - and her spouse Charles Calistus Burleigh - signed the protest against the Whole World Temperance Conference that refused to seat female delegates, in May of 1853. That protest called for a true World Temperance Conference to be held in New York City in September of 1853.

Frederick Douglass' Paper, August 12, 1853

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