Thematic Vectors in the Burleigh Story

The subpages in this section analyze the Burleigh family's involvement within overarching contexts. These include approaches to questions of race; specific reform movements; and more amorphous social changes (e.g. geographic mobility, the rapid pace of technological change). Each of the major reform movements noted in the diagram above are included in a subpage of this section.

The section opens with an annotated catalogue of all the newspapers that were edited by Burleigh family members. This list has never been assembled before - in fact, even the published biographical sketches of Charles and William don't include their complete editing résumés. This list should prove valuable to all who want to pursue further study of the Burleighs. For all readers, this accumulation of evidence conveys the significance and ubiquity of the Abolitionist press, underscoring its ability to shape change.

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