Celia Burleigh: First Female Unitarian Minister and William's Second Wife

William Henry Burleigh's second wife, was also the first woman Unitarian minister to hold a pulpit - in Brooklyn, Connecticut. This was the same congregation led by Samuel J. May during the Canterbury controversies. Quite an achievement for a church that, for a long time, was the sole Unitarian body in the state!

Celia Burleigh was a strong women's rights advocate, who helped organize Sorosis, a club for intellectual feminist women. She spoke for the rights of children, too.

When William died she edited a second edition of his poems, and wrote a short sketch of his life. 

Breast cancer cut her life short, but what a life!

Unitarian Church, Brooklyn, Connecticut

First Unitarian Church, Brooklyn, Connecticut. Photo by Joan DiMartino, curator of the Prudence Crandall Museum.

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