Glimpses of Technological Change
The vast technological changes of the long nineteenth-century affected the Burleigh family in a number of ways. The most urgent of these occurred in transportation, where the development of canal travel, then railroads, made the lives of anti-slavery agents considerably easier than relying on horses had been. Because the Burleigh brothers were professional writers, their descriptions of early train travel are noteworthy; examples are given below. The pages of their newspapers also featured news of horrific boat and railroad accidents; the Abolitionists lost a beloved colleague, Charles Follen (1796-1840) on a fire onboard the Steamship Lexington.
The increasing prominence and proliferation of train travel made time-keeping even more essential than it had been in previous eras. Historic Northampton holds a pocket watch belonging to Charles C. Burleigh Sr., that he likely obtained in the late 1830s during his first extended time in Pennsylvania, from silversmith Thomas Megear (1809-1878).
The advent of the telephone near the end of the nineteenth century did not affect the core generation of Burleighs as much as it did their children. The telephone bill that the Burleigh Lithography Company received in the early twentieth-century is one evidence of how the telephone reshaped business, and became a necessary utility almost instantly.
Even more intriguing, though, is George Shepard Burleigh's poem, Telephoning, which has to be amongst the earliest poems concerning this new technology.
The current Burleigh team does not feature an historian of technology; we welcome input from those who know this field. This page was built largely from our collective curiosity about what we were finding. It is subject to corrections, emendations, and additions of all kinds.