Bibliography for Charles Calistus Burleigh's Work

Reception of George Thompson in Great Britain. [Compiled from various British Publications]. Boston: Isaac Knapp, 1836.

Edited by Charles C. Burleigh, who also wrote the Introduction (p. v-xvi).  

Reception of George Thompson - online version

Discussion on American slavery: betwen George Thompson, Esq. and Rev. Robert J. Breckinridge, holden in the Rev. Dr. Wardlaw's chapel, Glasgow, Scotland, on the evenings of the 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th of June, 1836, with an appendix. Boston: Isaac Knapp, 1836.

The Appendix is by Charles C. Burleigh, p. 163-187.

Discussion on American Slavery, with Appendix by Charles C. Burleigh - online version

The Death Penalty Makes killers of us All

Charles Calistus Burleigh would appreciate the wide variety of people across the world working to end capital punishment in our time.

Burleigh, Charles C. Thoughts on the Death Penalty. Philadelphia: Merrihew and Thompson, 1845.

Burleigh, Charles C. Thoughts on the Death Penalty. Second Edition, Revised. Philadelphia: Merrihew and Thompson, 1847.

Thoughts on the Death Penalty - first edition, online version

Thoughts on the Death Penalty - second edition, online version

Plummer, Frederick. A defense of capital punishment, in a discussion of six evenings with Charles C. Burleigh on the question, "Ought capital punishment to be abolished?"; taken down in short hand, and reported for publication, by W.E. Drake. Philadelphia: J.M. Campbell, 1846.

In Defense of Capital Punishment - online version

Burleigh, Charles C. Slavery and the North. New York: American Anti-Slavery Society, 1850.

Slavery and the North - online version

Burleigh, Charles C. No slave-hunting in the Old Bay State. Speech of Charles C. Burleigh at the Annual Meeting of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, Friday, January 28, 1859. Boston: Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, 1859.

Phillips, Wendell, William Lloyd Garrison, Charles C Burleigh, Massachusetts. No slave-hunting in the Old Bay State: an appeal to the people and legislature of Massachusetts. New York, Published by the American Anti-Slavery Society, 1860. 

No Slave-Hunting in the Old Bay State - 1859 pamphlet of Charles Burleigh's speech only, online version

No Slave-Hunting in the Old Bay State - 1860 collected pamphlet, online version

Contemporary Scholars at Work

Help out by making more discoveries of articles, letters, and speeches given by Charles Calistus Burleigh!

The resources given above constitute the major published works of Charles Calistus Burleigh. Because of his editorial duties with numerous Abolitionist papers, and his popularity as a writer and speaker, there are many more resources to be collected and listed here from journalistic sources. For instance, he wrote an eye-witness description of the mobbing of William Lloyd Garrison in Boston in October of 1835. Resources like this will be gradually accumulated and added to this page. Volunteer assistance and contributions encouraged and welcomed!

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