Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2495 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.oreilly.com/gnn/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.oreilly.com/gnn/ Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version subscription Has date of capture of representative expression 1996-10-20 Has ISSN 1072-043X Has identifier for work 66c Has title of work Whole Internet Catalog Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Not available Address O'Reilly &Associates, Inc. 90 Sherman St. AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Cambridge AddressRegion MA NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 2140 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2494 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.oreilly.com/gnn/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.oreilly.com/gnn/ Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version subscription Has date of capture of representative expression 1996-10-20 Has identifier for work 66b Has title of work GNN Magazine Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Not available Address O'Reilly &Associates, Inc. 90 Sherman St. AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Cambridge AddressRegion MA NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 2140 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2493 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.oreilly.com/gnn/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.oreilly.com/gnn/ Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version subscription Has date of capture of representative expression 1996-10-20 Has ISSN 1072-0413 Has identifier for work 66a Has title of work GNN NetNews Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Not available Address O'Reilly &Associates, Inc. 90 Sherman St. AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Cambridge AddressRegion MA NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 2140 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2492 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.dante.net/pubs/works.html Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version subscription Has identifier for work 443 Has title of work Works of Dante Has related work of work http://www.dante.net/pubs/works.html - available in WB Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject trade publication Has nature of content WB Only Address DANTE ,Lockton House Clarendon Road AddressCountry England AddressLocality Cambridge EndDate 2000 PostalCode CB2 2BH StartDate 1993-12-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2491 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version gopher usenet Has identifier for work 442 Has title of work Word Has related work of work https://www.eff.org/effector/3/7 Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject political publication Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Austin AddressRegion TX EndDate Unknown -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2490 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version bbs ftp Has identifier for work 441 Has title of work Windows Online Review Has related work of work http://annex.retroarchive.org/cdrom/2themaxx-sw2/MISCWIN/index.html; http://cd.textfiles.com/cica/ Has note on work Referenced file available at http://annex.retroarchive.org/cdrom/2themaxx-sw2/MISCWIN/index.html. Format is Windows help file - downloaded Zip file won't open for me. Has source consulted no address Has subject subject matter unclear Has nature of content Not available EndDate Unknown -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2489 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email print Has ISSN 0747-5500 Has identifier for work 440 Has title of work Wind Energy Weekly Has related work of work https://cleanpower.org/ Has note on work Organization renamed, can't find current information on newsletter. Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry USA EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 189 StartDate 1990-08-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2488 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.armory.com/~web/notes.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.armory.com/~web/notes.html Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email ftp gopher usenet news Has hosting institution The Armory Has ISSN 1072-6020 Has identifier for work 439 Has title of work Web Online Review Has related work of work http://bunnyplanet.blogspot.com/ Has note on work Renamed "Notes for the Windowsill" with same ISSN Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject literary publication Has nature of content WB Only Address P.O. Box 401 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Santa Cruz AddressRegion CA EndDate 2007 NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 95061 StartDate 1993-12-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2487 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version ftp Has identifier for work 438 Has title of work WAC NEWS: The World Archaeological Congress Newsletter Has related work of work https://worldarch.org/publications/e-newsletters/; https://worldarch.org/blog/category/news/wac-news/ Has note on work Held in one library: https://iats.ent.sirsidynix.net.au/client/en_AU/external/search/detailnonmodal/ent:$002f$002fSD_ILS$002f0$002fSD_ILS:313116/one?qu=WAC+NEWS%3B&qu=%22The+World+Archaeological+Congress+Newsletter%22 Has source consulted no address Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available EndDate 1998 NumberOfItems 1 StartDate 1993-03-08 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2486 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://borg.lib.vt.edu:80/z-borg/www/ejournals/spectrum.html Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version gopher wais ftp print Has date of capture of representative expression 1999-04-27 Has hosting institution Virginia Tech Has identifier for work 437 Has title of work Virginia Tech Spectrum Has related work of work https://digitalsc.lib.vt.edu/collections/show/267 Has note on work Digitized from print edition Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject education Has nature of content Available Address Scholarly Communications Project University Libraries Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University P.O. Box 90001 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Blacksburg AddressRegion VA EndDate 2004-12-17 NumberOfItems 2 PostalCode 24062-9001 StartDate 1993-05-06 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2485 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/UNPLASTIC/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/UNPLASTIC/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email Has hosting institution textfiles.com Has identifier for work 436 Has title of work Unplastic News Has source consulted no address Has subject comedy Has nature of content Available AddressCountry USA EndDate 1994-08-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2484 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Physical archival collection Has carrier version local bbs hardcopy print Has identifier for work 435 Has title of work University of Missouri, Columbia. Campus Computing Newsletter Has related work of work Possible archive?: https://muarchives.missouri.edu/c1-28-00_box_list.html#014659 Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Available Address University of Missouri-Columbia Campus Computing 200 Heinkel Building AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Columbia AddressRegion MO EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 1 PostalCode 65211 StartDate 1991-08-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2483 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin gopher.uchicago.edu:70/11/unews/chronicle Location - URL https://chronicle.uchicago.edu/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://chronicle.uchicago.edu/ Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version gopher Has hosting institution University of Chicago Has identifier for work 434 Has title of work University of Chicago Chronicle Has related work of work Archive: https://chronicle.uchicago.edu/archive/ Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Available Address University News Office 5801 S. Ellis Avenue, Room 200 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Chicago AddressRegion IL EndDate 2009-06-11 NumberOfItems 2 PostalCode 60637 StartDate 1993-03-09 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2482 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.ukuug.org/newsletter/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.ukuug.org/newsletter/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version ftp print Has ISSN 0965-9412 Has identifier for work 433 Has title of work UKUUG Newsletter Has note on work Name changed to FLOSS UK by 2010 Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content WB Only Address United Kingdom Unix User Group AddressCountry England EndDate 2011 NumberOfItems 1 StartDate 1992-03-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2481 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://ctan.math.washington.edu/tex-archive/digests/uktex/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://ctan.math.washington.edu/tex-archive/digests/uktex/ Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version digest form Has hosting institution University of Washington Has identifier for work 432 Has title of work UKTeX Digest Has note on work Some issues can only be downloaded in gz format. Others seem to have been corrupted. Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Partially available Address Aston University Information Systems Aton Triangle AddressCountry England AddressLocality Birgmingham EndDate 1994 NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode B4ZET -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2480 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin gopher.ucar.edu Location - URL https://news.ucar.edu/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://news.ucar.edu/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version gopher print Has identifier for work 431 Has title of work UCAR Newsletter Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Available AddressCountry USA EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 37 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2479 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.climatenetwork.org/uscanweb/uscan_publications_and_papers.htm https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.climatenetwork.org/uscanweb/uscan_publications_and_papers.htm Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email ftp email listserv (econet conference ) gopher Has identifier for work 430 Has title of work U.S. Climate Action Network Hotline Has note on work Publication partially arvailable via WB. Several issues not found. Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject advocacy publication Has nature of content WB Only Address US Climate Action Network c/o Natural Resources Defense Council 1350 New York Avenue, NW ,Suite 300 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Washington DC EndDate 2001 PostalCode 20005 StartDate 1994-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2478 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listproc usenet Has identifier for work 429 Has title of work TREK-REVIEW-L Has note on work Not found Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject science fiction Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry USA EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 StartDate 1993-01-23 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2477 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email gopher econet Has identifier for work 428 Has title of work Trade News Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available Address 1313 5th Street ,SE ,Suite 303 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Minneapolis AddressRegion MN EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 55414 StartDate 1992-01-15 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2476 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email Has identifier for work 427 Has title of work TitNet-Titnews–Titnotes Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject science Has nature of content Not available Address Dept. of Zoology Univ. of Wisconsin AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Madison AddressRegion WI EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 53706 StartDate 1990-12-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2475 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin tidbits.com/pub/tidbits/issues/ Location - URL https://tidbits.com/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://tidbits.com/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version ftp usetnet commercial networks listserv wais gopher www Has identifier for work 426 Has title of work TidBITS Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Available Address 1106 North 31st Street AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Renton AddressRegion WA EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 48 PostalCode 98056-2135 StartDate 1990-04-16 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2474 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin gopher.bucknell.edu:70/11/departments/Bucknellian Location - URL https://bucknellian.net/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://bucknellian.net/ Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version gopher print Has hosting institution Bucknell University Has identifier for work 425 Has title of work The Bucknellian Has related work of work Archived issues 2008-2010: https://web.archive.org/web/20121002193814/https://www.bucknell.edu/x15504.xml Archived issues 2006-2007: https://web.archive.org/web/20121002193750/http://www.bucknell.edu/x55859.xml Has note on work Articles predating 2006 not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Partially available Address C-3952 Bucknell University AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Lewisberg AddressRegion PA EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 15 PostalCode 17837 StartDate 1993-11-19 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2473 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://tug.org/pipermail/texhax/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://tug.org/pipermail/texhax/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version listserv Has identifier for work 424 Has title of work TeXhax Digest Has related work of work Archived issues 1986-2003: https://ctan.math.washington.edu/tex-archive/digests/texhax/ Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Available Address TEX Users Group P.O. Box 869 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Santa Barbara AddressRegion CA EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 2 PostalCode 93102 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2472 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv (mail-based only) Has identifier for work 423 Has title of work TEX Publication Distribution List Has note on work Not found Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Not available Address Department of Economics and Business Analysis College of Business Administration P.O. Box 2118 Sam Houston State University AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Huntsville AddressRegion TX EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 77341-2118 StartDate 1991-01-13 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2471 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://web.archive.org/web/20130517130323/http://www.terminometro.info/modules/articles/accueil/index.php?&ln=fr Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version print Has identifier for work 422 Has title of work Terminometro Electronico Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject literary publication Has nature of content WB Only Address UNION LATINA -Terminometro (version electronica ) Redaccion yadministracion 14, bd. Arago AddressCountry France AddressLocality Paris EndDate 2012 NumberOfItems 9 PostalCode 75013 StartDate 1988-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2470 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv Has identifier for work 421 Has title of work Telelearning Network Synthesizer Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Not available Address Arlington Software Co AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Berkley AddressRegion CA EndDate Unknown StartDate 1994-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2469 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://telecom.csail.mit.edu/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://telecom.csail.mit.edu/ Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version email bbs usenet gopher ftp compuserve fax Has hosting institution MIT Has identifier for work 420 Has title of work TELECOM Digest Has related work of work https://web.archive.org/web/20040805135031/http://mirror.lcs.mit.edu/telecom-archives/archives/back.issues/ Has note on work Issues from 1981-2004 are WB only Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Available Address P.O. Box 1570 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Chicago AddressRegion IL EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 60690 StartDate 1981-08-11 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2468 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.uni-muenster.de/Ejournals/index.php/tjo/index https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.uni-muenster.de/Ejournals/index.php/tjo/index Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version email Has hosting institution WWU Munster Has ISSN 0381-9361 1206-5730 (1997-present) Has identifier for work 419 Has title of work Teiresias Has related work of work Archived issues 1971-2021: http://www.teiresias-journal.org/locations Has note on work ISSN changed in 1997 Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject history Has nature of content Available Address Department of Classics McGill University 855 Sherbrooke St. West AddressCountry Canada AddressLocality Montreal AddressRegion Quebec EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 35 PostalCode H3A 217 StartDate 1991-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2467 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://the-tech.mit.edu/The-Tech Location - URL https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://the-tech.mit.edu/The-Tech https://thetech.com/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://thetech.com/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version www Has date of capture of representative expression 1999-01-16 Has identifier for work 418 Has title of work Tech (The) Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Available Address P.O. Box 397029 -MIT Branch AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Cambridge AddressRegion MA EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 204 PostalCode 02139 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2466 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version subscription by request Has identifier for work 417 Has title of work TCE: The Cutting Edge Has note on work Not found Has source consulted no address Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available EndDate Unknown StartDate 1994-04-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2465 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://silentera.com/taylorology/index.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://silentera.com/taylorology/index.html Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version gopher ftp usenet Has identifier for work 416 Has title of work Taylorology Has note on work Issues 1-3 missing Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject criminology Has nature of content Partially available Address Box 871804 Arizona State University AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Tempe AddressRegion AZ EndDate 2013 NumberOfItems 3 PostalCode 85287-1804 StartDate 1993-04-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2464 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://writing.upenn.edu/epc/ezines/treehome/treeHome.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://writing.upenn.edu/epc/ezines/treehome/treeHome.html Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version email ftp print Has hosting institution University of Pennsylvania Has identifier for work 415 Has title of work TapRoot Reviews Electronic Has related work of work https://writing.upenn.edu/epc/ezines/tree/; https://writing.upenn.edu/epc/ezines/treehome/zineIndex.html; https://writing.upenn.edu/epc/ezines/treehome/chapIndex.html Has note on work Links to issues are inaccessible but zines and chapbooks that issues 1-5 contain are acceesible Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject literary publication Has nature of content Partially available Address P.O. Box 585 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Lakewood AddressRegion OH EndDate 1996 PostalCode 44107 StartDate 1992-10-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2463 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.amsat.org/amsat/ftp/news/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.amsat.org/amsat/ftp/news/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version radio hobbyists Has identifier for work 414 Has title of work SpaceNews Has note on work Issues predating 1994 not found Another publication listed with this one; Ctrl+F and type "spc" Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject news publication Has nature of content Partially available Address Department of Engineering and Technology Advanced Technology Center Brookdale Community College 765 Newman Springs Road AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Lincroft AddressRegion NJ EndDate 2001-01-29 NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 07738 StartDate 1987-11-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2462 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://itre.uncecs.edu/misc/satchart Location - URL https://prevueguide.com/Satellite/ssv1n1.txt Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version usetnet www ftp Has hosting institution prevueguide.com Has identifier for work 413 Has title of work South Scanner Satellite Services Chart Has related work of work Vol 1 Issue 8: https://prevueguide.com/Satellite/ssv1n8.txt Vol 5 Issue 1: https://prevueguide.com/Satellite/ssv5n1.txt Vol 11 Issue 1: http://www.nmia.com/~roberts/ssv11n1.pdf Has note on work Only four issues found Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Partially available AddressCountry USA EndDate Unknown StartDate 1991-11-27 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2461 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin igc.apc.org/pub/SFER Location - URL http://www.envirolink.org/florida/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.envirolink.org/florida/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email listserv ftp econet Has ISSN 1044-3479 Has identifier for work 412 Has title of work South Florida Environmental Reader Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject advocacy publication Has nature of content WB Only Address P.O. Box 1041 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality South Miami AddressRegion FL EndDate 1999 NumberOfItems 1 PostalCode 33243-1041 StartDate 1989-03-27 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2460 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://ftp.lip6.fr/pub/pc/garbo/pc/sound/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://ftp.lip6.fr/pub/pc/garbo/pc/sound/ Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version ftp Has hosting institution Sorbonne Univiersity Has identifier for work 411 Has title of work Sound Site Newsletter Has related work of work Issue 11: https://www.pcorner.com/list/MUSIC/SOUND11.ZIP/INFO/ ; Issue 18: https://cdn.preterhuman.net/texts/lyrics_and_music_related/soundsite-18 ; Issue 19: https://www.pcorner.com/list/MUSIC/SOUND19.ZIP/INFO/ ; Has note on work Other publications are listed in current website in alphabetical order; scroll to S. Issues 1-10 are txt files and Issues 10-19 are zip files Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject news publication Has nature of content Available AddressCountry USA EndDate 1994 NumberOfItems 0 StartDate 1990-10-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2459 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.africa.upenn.edu/Newsletters/menu_SNU.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.africa.upenn.edu/Newsletters/menu_SNU.html Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version email fax telex Has hosting institution University of Pennsylvania Has ISSN 1103-1999 Has identifier for work 410 Has title of work Somalia News Update Has related work of work Past issues accessible here: https://groups.google.com/g/misc.activism.progressive/search?q=%20Bernhard%20Helander Has note on work Note: spam emails listed in google conversation archive Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Available Address Department of Cultural Anthropology University of Uppsala Tradgardsgatan 18 AddressCountry Sweden AddressLocality Uppsala EndDate 1994-12-14 NumberOfItems 2 PostalCode S-753 09 StartDate 1992-08-27 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2458 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.metalforjesus.org/archive.htm https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.metalforjesus.org/archive.htm Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version gopher ftp usetnet Has identifier for work 409 Has title of work Soae Has note on work Issues predating 1997 are missing Has source consulted no address Has subject popular music Has nature of content WB Only AddressCountry USA EndDate 2013 NumberOfItems 0 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2457 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.smb.org/category/digest/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.smb.org/category/digest/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version listserv email gopher ftp Has identifier for work 408 Has title of work SMB Digest (Society for Mathematical Biology Digest) Has related work of work Archive of past issues: https://www.smb.org/smb-digest-archives/ Has note on work Most issues are gz files Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject science Has nature of content WB Only Address Laboratory of Kidney and Electrolyte Metabolism, NHLBI, and Mathematical Research Branch, NIDDK National Institutes of Health AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Bethesda AddressRegion MD EndDate 2020 NumberOfItems 3 PostalCode 20892 StartDate 1992-01-16 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2456 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version print Has identifier for work 407 Has title of work Smarter Student Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Not available Address P. O. Box 849 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality LAFB AddressRegion VA EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 23665-0849 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2455 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email listserv gopher Has identifier for work 406 Has title of work SLSCk ... the Newsletter Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Not available Address SUNY Plaza AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Albany AddressRegion NY EndDate Unknown PostalCode 12246 StartDate 1992-06-02 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2454 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Commercial publisher Has carrier version email usenet ftp soon gopher and www Has hosting institution ACM Has identifier for work 405 Has title of work Simulation Digest Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Available Address Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering State University of New York at Buffalo 201 Bell Hall Box 602050 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Buffalo AddressRegion NY EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 374 PostalCode 14260-2050 StartDate 1987-12-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2453 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email Has identifier for work 404 Has title of work SCUP E -MAIL News Has related work of work https://www.scup.org/ Has note on work Not found, but original website is stille accessible Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Not available Address Georgetown College AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Georgetown AddressRegion KY EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 40324 StartDate 1987-11-07 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2452 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email Has identifier for work 403 Has title of work Scope News Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Not available Address State University of New York at Albany AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Albany AddressRegion NY EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2451 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.the-scientist.com/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.the-scientist.com/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version ftp email gopher hardcopy print Has ISSN 0890-3670 Has identifier for work 402 Has title of work Scientist Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Available Address 3600 Market Street ,Suite 450 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Philadelphia AddressRegion PA EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 19104 StartDate 1992-11-02 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2450 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv ftp gopher Has ISSN 1060-7862 Has identifier for work 401 Has title of work SCHOLAR: Natural Language Processing Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject literary publication Has nature of content Not available Address P.O. Box F AddressCountry USA AddressLocality New York AddressRegion NY EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 10028-0025 StartDate 1992-08-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2449 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email ftp gopher ziffnet commercial networks bbss wais metatec's nautiluscd for mac and windows Has identifier for work 400 Has title of work RSI Network Electronic Newletter Has related work of work https://www.rsitips.com/rsi-network-newsletter/ Has note on work Not found, but original website still accessible Has source consulted no address Has subject health Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry USA EndDate Unknown StartDate 1991-06-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2448 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://catless.ncl.ac.uk/risks/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://catless.ncl.ac.uk/risks/ Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version email ftp Has hosting institution Newcastle University Has identifier for work 399 Has title of work Risks - Forum Digest Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Available Address Computer Science Lab SRI International EL -243 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Menlo Park AddressRegion CA EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 2 PostalCode 94025-3493 StartDate 1985-08-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2447 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.rferl.org/Analytical-Reports https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.rferl.org/Analytical-Reports Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version listserv usenet Has identifier for work 398 Has title of work RFE RL/: Research Institute Daily Report Has note on work Articles predating 2005-02-23 not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Partially available Address 1201 Connecticut Avenue ,NW AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Washington DC EndDate 2008-06-26 NumberOfItems 11 PostalCode 20036 StartDate 1992-09-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2446 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv Has identifier for work 397 Has title of work Rezo, bulletin irregulomadaire du RQSS Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available Address Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique INRS -Urbanisation 3465, rue Durocher AddressCountry Canada AddressLocality Montreal AddressRegion Quebec EndDate Unknown PostalCode H2X 206 StartDate 1989-09-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2445 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://web.archive.org/web/20070713211426/http://www.apa.org/science/researchfunding.html Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version listserv Has identifier for work 396 Has title of work Research Psychology Funding Bulletin Has note on work Partially available Articles predating 2003 not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content WB Only Address American Psychological Association 750 First Street, NE AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Washington DC EndDate 2007 NumberOfItems 1 PostalCode 20002-4242 StartDate 1989-02-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2444 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.cse.gatech.edu/news-group/research-horizons Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version gopher wais ftp print Has hosting institution Georgia Tech Has ISSN 1060-6696 Has identifier for work 395 Has title of work Research Horizons Has related work of work Archive 2010-2021: https://www.cse.gatech.edu/news-group/research-horizons Sign-up Webpage: https://www.research.gatech.edu/newsletters Has note on work Articles from before 2010 not found More recent articles may be accessible only via subscription. Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Partially available Address Research Communications Office Georgia Tech Research Institute Georgia Institute ofTechnology AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Atlanta AddressRegion GA EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 30332-0800 StartDate 1992-09-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2443 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://web.doc.ic.ac.uk/req-eng/index.html Location - URL http://www0.cs.ucl.ac.uk/research/renoir/newsletter/newsletter.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www0.cs.ucl.ac.uk/research/renoir/newsletter/newsletter.html Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version email ftp www Has date of capture of representative expression 1999-04-23 Has hosting institution University College, London Has identifier for work 394 Has title of work Requirements Engineering Newsletter Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Available AddressCountry England EndDate 1998 NumberOfItems 0 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2442 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv ftp print Has ISSN 1066-1719 Has identifier for work 393 Has title of work REACH: Research and Educational Applications of Computers in the Humanities Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Not available Address University of California at Santa Barbara AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Santa Barbara AddressRegion CA EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 3 StartDate 1989-12-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2441 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.realtimerendering.com/resources/RTNews/html/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.realtimerendering.com/resources/RTNews/html/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email ftp Has hosting institution Real Time Rendering Has identifier for work 392 Has title of work Ray Tracing News Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Available Address 3d /Eye, Inc. 1050 Craft Road AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Ithaca AddressRegion NY EndDate 2010-07-20 NumberOfItems 89 PostalCode 14850 StartDate 1987-09-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2440 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.radiohc.cu/en/noticias https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.radiohc.cu/en/noticias Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version available through peacenet (usa ) web (canada) pegasus (australia ) greennet (uk) alternex (brazil) and on the internet. Has identifier for work 391 Has title of work Radio Havana Cuba Newscast Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject news publication Has nature of content Available AddressCountry Cuba EndDate Currently published StartDate 1992-04-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2439 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.ejnet.org/rachel/index.htm https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.ejnet.org/rachel/index.htm Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email gopher listserv bbs Has hosting institution EJnet.org: Web Resources for Environmental Justice Activists Has ISSN 1065-4623 Has identifier for work 390 Has title of work Rachel's Hazardous Waste News Has note on work Name changed to "Rachel's Environment & Health Weekly" after issue 401 Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject advocacy publication Has nature of content Available Address P.O. Box 5036 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Annapolis AddressRegion MD EndDate 1996-05-02 NumberOfItems 6 PostalCode 21403-7036 StartDate 1993-12-08 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2438 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://uh-ir.tdl.org/handle/10657/1954 https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://uh-ir.tdl.org/handle/10657/1954 Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version listserv Has hosting institution University of Houston Has ISSN 1050-6004 Has identifier for work 389 Has title of work Public-Access Computer Systems News Has note on work Some articles missing in current url Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Partially available Address The Libraries University of Houston AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Houston AddressRegion TX EndDate 1995 NumberOfItems 61 PostalCode 77204-2091 StartDate 1990-03-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2437 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version subscription Has identifier for work 388 Has title of work Publib-Net Digest Has related work of work https://marc.info/?l=publib&r=1&w=2; http://web.archive.org/web/20080516091542/lists.webjunction.org/publib Has note on work Digest is not found but Publib and Publib-Net is partially available; some links in WB are inaccessible. Has source consulted no address Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry USA EndDate Unknown -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2436 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv telnet hardcopy print Has identifier for work 387 Has title of work Prompt Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Not available Address North Carolina State University AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Raleigh AddressRegion NC EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 StartDate 1991-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2435 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.gutenbergnews.org/category/newsletters/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.gutenbergnews.org/category/newsletters/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version listserv Has identifier for work 386 Has title of work Project Gutenberg Newsletter Has note on work Article from 1971-73 and 1988 not found Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject literary publication Has nature of content Partially available AddressCountry USA EndDate 2016-12-10 StartDate 1971-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2434 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://profnet.prnewswire.com/profnethome/what-is-profnet.aspx https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://profnet.prnewswire.com/profnethome/what-is-profnet.aspx Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version compuserve :73163 1362 or 76550.750 print Has identifier for work 385 Has title of work ProfNet Has note on work Project is still active, but access requires creating an account and subscribing. Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Available Address SUNY Stony Brook AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Stony Brook AddressRegion NY EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 2 PostalCode 11794-0605 StartDate 1993-12-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2433 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://pespmcl.vub.ac.be Location - URL http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/PCPNEWS.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/PCPNEWS.html Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email listserv ftp www Has identifier for work 384 Has title of work Principia Cybernetica Newsletter Has note on work Some issues are inaccessible Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Partially available Address PO, Free University of Brussels Pleinlaan 2 AddressCountry Belgium AddressLocality Brussels EndDate 2002 PostalCode B -1050 StartDate 1990-11-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2432 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email Has identifier for work 383 Has title of work Pragati Stocks Newsletter Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available Address 65 E. Shag Bark In. AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Streamwood AddressRegion IL EndDate Unknown PostalCode 60101 StartDate 1992-05-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2431 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://jti.lib.virginia.edu/journals/tr/archive/pmjp/ Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version internet bitnet (email ) hardcopy print Has hosting institution University of Virginia Has identifier for work 382 Has title of work Postmodern Jewish Philosophy BITNETWORK Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject religion Has nature of content Available Address Program in Jewish Studies Drew University AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Madison AddressRegion NJ EndDate 1997-12-01 NumberOfItems 15 PostalCode 07940 StartDate 1991-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2430 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin Niord.SHSU.edu/pol-econ-digest Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version usenet listserv gopher ftp Has identifier for work 381 Has title of work Pol-Econ Discussion List Digest Has note on work Not found Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Not available Address Department of Economics and Business Analysis College of Business Administration P. O. Box 2118 Sam Houston State University AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Huntsville AddressRegion TX EndDate Unknown PostalCode 77341-2118 StartDate 1993-12-11 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2429 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.academia.edu/search?q=Pirradazish&utf8=%E2%9C%93 Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version ftp www Has hosting institution academia.edu Has identifier for work 380 Has title of work Pirradazish: Bulletin of Achaemenian Studies Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject history Has nature of content Available Address Oriental Institute 1155 E. 58th St. AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Chicago AddressRegion IL EndDate 1994-04-12 PostalCode 60637-1569 StartDate 1993-01-29 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2428 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/1A/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/1A/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email gopher bbs (?) Has hosting institution textfiles.com Has identifier for work 379 Has title of work Phirst Amendment Has related work of work Explanation for the numbering: http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/1A/numbering.txt Has source consulted no address Has subject advocacy publication Has nature of content Available AddressCountry USA EndDate 1993-08-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2427 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version gopher ftp Has identifier for work 378 Has title of work PIA: The People's freedom Association Has note on work Not found Has source consulted no address Has subject personal zine Has nature of content Not available EndDate Unknown -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2426 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://thepeoplestribune.com/category/onlinedition/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://thepeoplestribune.com/category/onlinedition/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email gopher ftp print Has identifier for work 377 Has title of work People's Tribune (Online Edition ) Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Available Address Box 3524 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Chicago AddressRegion IL EndDate Currently published PostalCode 60654 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2425 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email Has identifier for work 376 Has title of work PeaceNet World News Service Has related work of work https://www.africa.upenn.edu/BBS_Internet/PeaceNet_World_13258.html Has note on work Not found But an archived email involving this publication found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Not available Address 18 De Boom Street AddressCountry USA AddressLocality San Francisco AddressRegion CA EndDate Unknown PostalCode 94107 StartDate 1993-10-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2424 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://www.service.com/PAW/home.html Location - URL https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.service.com/PAW/home.html https://www.paloaltoonline.com/print/editions https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.paloaltoonline.com/print/editions Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version www Has date of capture of representative expression 1998-12-02 Has ISSN 0199-1159 Has identifier for work 375 Has title of work Palo Alto Weekly Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Available Address 703 High Street AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Palo Alto AddressRegion CA EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 9 PostalCode 94301 StartDate 1994-01-19 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2423 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://jasonohler.com/OJournal/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://jasonohler.com/OJournal/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version listserv email Has identifier for work 374 Has title of work Online Chronicle of Distance Education and Communication Has note on work Some issues missing Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Partially available Address 3301 College Avenue AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Fort Lauderdale AddressRegion FL EndDate 1992 NumberOfItems 3 PostalCode 33314 StartDate 1993-12-20 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2422 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/gopher/other/journals/offline/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/gopher/other/journals/offline/ Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version email gopher hardcopy print Has hosting institution University of Pennsylvania Has identifier for work 373 Has title of work OFFLINE Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject religion Has nature of content Available Address Box 36 College Hall University ofPennsylvania AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Philedelphia AddressRegion PA EndDate 1994-05-20 NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 19104-6303 StartDate 1988-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2421 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://norwaves.com/norwaves/english.htm https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://norwaves.com/norwaves/english.htm Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version listproc Has identifier for work 372 Has title of work NorWaves Has related work of work https://web.archive.org/web/20060512204725/http://www.norwaves.com/norwaves/archive.htm Has note on work Current website under maintence, only available via WB at this time Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content WB Only Address P.O. Box 111 AddressCountry Norway AddressLocality Bekkestua EndDate 1998-11-23 PostalCode 1341 StartDate 1993-03-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2420 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin nwnet.net/nodenews Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version ftp email gopher Has ISSN 1070-1737 Has identifier for work 371 Has title of work NorthWestNet NodeNews Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available Address 15400 SE 30th Place, Suite 202 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Bellevue AddressRegion WA EndDate Unknown PostalCode 98007 StartDate 1992-03-15 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2419 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version gopher Has identifier for work 370 Has title of work North of Green Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Not available Address 112 Engineering Hall 1308 West Green Street AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Urbana AddressRegion IL EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 61801 StartDate 1992-09-09 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2418 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin world.std.com/ftp/pub/dance/AL Location - URL http://secontra.com/nacdsnews/archive.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://secontra.com/nacdsnews/archive.html Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email usenet print Has identifier for work 369 Has title of work North Alabama Country Dance Newsletter Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject popular music Has nature of content Available Address 4304 Holmes Ave. AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Huntsville AddressRegion AL EndDate 2011-12-01 NumberOfItems 1 PostalCode 35816 StartDate 1994-10-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2417 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://www.hd.uib.no Location - URL https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.hd.uib.no Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email Has date of capture of representative expression 1998-12-12 Has ISSN 0804-0605 Has identifier for work 368 Has title of work Nordic Linguistic Bulletin: Electronic News Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Not available Address Harald Hrfagresgt . 31 AddressCountry Norway AddressLocality Bergen EndDate Unknown PostalCode N 5007 StartDate 1992-08-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2416 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.unionofegoists.com/journals/non-serviam/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.unionofegoists.com/journals/non-serviam/ Has current owner collective agent Coordinated preservation effort Has carrier version listserv ftp print Has hosting institution Union of Egoists Has identifier for work 367 Has title of work Non Serviam Has note on work Issue 24 missing Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject philosophy Has nature of content Partially available Address University of Ohio AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Athens AddressRegion OH EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 3 StartDate 1992-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2415 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.informaticamedica.org.br/nibnews/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.informaticamedica.org.br/nibnews/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email hardcopy print Has identifier for work 366 Has title of work NIBNews: an electronic bulletin on Medical Informatics Has note on work Issues 4-11 are inaccessible Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject health Has nature of content Partially available Address Center for Biomedical Informatics State University of Campinas P.O. Box 6005 AddressCountry Brazil AddressLocality Campinas EndDate 1992 PostalCode SP 13081 StartDate 1992-06-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2414 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email (comserve ) Has identifier for work 365 Has title of work Newsline Has note on work Not found Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry USA EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 StartDate 1986-08-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2413 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://serials.infomotions.com/nspi/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://serials.infomotions.com/nspi/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version listserv Has hosting institution Infomotions, LLC (Eric Lease Morgan) Has ISSN 1046-3410 Has identifier for work 364 Has title of work Newsletter on Serials Pricing Issues Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Available Address Paper mail, Serials Department CB #3938 Davis Library, University of North Carolina AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Chapel Hill AddressRegion NC EndDate 2001 NumberOfItems 80 PostalCode 27514-8890 StartDate 1989-02-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2412 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv hard copy gopher print Has identifier for work 363 Has title of work Newsbrief Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject news publication Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry USA EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 2 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2411 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://www.eff.org/pub/EFF/Newsletters/NetworksandPolicy Location - URL https://web.archive.org/web/20030906032702/http://www.eff.org/EFF/Newsletters/Networks_and_Policy/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version mailing list ftp gopher www wais usenet commercial services (aol,cis,well,etc.) print Has identifier for work 362 Has title of work Networks and Policy (The Electronic Frontier Foundation) Has note on work Only one issue found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content WB Only Address Electronic Frontier Foundation 1001 G Street NW Suite 950 East AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Washington, D.C. EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 20001 StartDate 1993-03-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2410 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email listserv gopher Has identifier for work 361 Has title of work Networks and Community Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject news publication Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry Canada EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 1 StartDate 1993-12-05 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2409 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version fax gopher Has identifier for work 360 Has title of work Network, the T.A.S. Newsletter Has note on work not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available Address Technology Associations Secretariat 1046 Barrington St. AddressCountry Canada AddressLocality Halifax AddressRegion NS EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode B3H 2R1 StartDate 1992-09-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2408 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://web.archive.org/web/20011115191511/http://dlis.gseis.ucla.edu/people/pagre/back.html Has current owner collective agent University personal webpage Has carrier version email Has hosting institution UCLA Has identifier for work 359 Has title of work Network Observer Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content WB Only Address Dept. of Communication University of California, San Diego AddressCountry USA AddressLocality La Jolla AddressRegion CA EndDate 1996-07-01 NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 92093-0503 StartDate 1994-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2407 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv Has identifier for work 358 Has title of work Network News Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry USA EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 2 StartDate 1991-10-15 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2406 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email ftp Has identifier for work 357 Has title of work Network Audio Bits and Audio Software Review Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject popular music Has nature of content Not available Address P.O. Box 328 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Orono AddressRegion ME EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 04473-0328 StartDate 1987-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2405 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://archive.org/details/ERIC_ED381145 https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://archive.org/details/ERIC_ED381145 Has current owner collective agent Coordinated preservation effort Has carrier version email Has hosting institution Internet Archive (not WB) Has ISSN 1070-2954 Has identifier for work 356 Has title of work NetTEACH NEWS Has related work of work Articles from 1995-1996: https://archive.org/details/ERIC_ED395574 WB archive of old website: https://www.netteach.com/ Has note on work Some articles are WB only Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Available Address 13102 Weather Vane Way AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Herndon AddressRegion VA EndDate 1997 NumberOfItems 4 PostalCode 22071-2944 StartDate 1993-08-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2404 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin nwnet.net:70/11/nwnet-info/netcetera Has current owner collective agent Library print collection Has carrier version email gopher print Has identifier for work 355 Has title of work NetCetera Has related work of work https://fslt.ent.sirsi.net/client/en_US/statelibrary/search/detailnonmodal/ent:$002f$002fSD_ILS$002f0$002fSD_ILS:365513/one Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Partially available Address NorthWestNet 15400 SE 30th Place, Suite 202 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Bellevue AddressRegion WA EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 1 PostalCode 98007 StartDate 1994-02-08 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2403 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version ftp gopher www email to members only Has identifier for work 354 Has title of work NEARnet this Month Has related work of work https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NEARnet Has note on work Articles not found Some more info about the organization found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Not available Address NEARnet Client Services Staff BBN Technology Services Inc. 10 Moulton Street, Mail Stop 4A AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Cambridge AddressRegion MA EndDate 1993 PostalCode 02138 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2402 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version surface mail gopher/www ftp print Has identifier for work 353 Has title of work NEARnet Newsletter Has related work of work https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9781555580476500412 Has note on work Newsletters not found Some info about the organization found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Not available Address NEARnet Client Services Staff BBN Technology Services Inc. 10 Moulton Street, Mail Stop 4A AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Cambridge AddressRegion MA EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 02138 StartDate 1990-02-13 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2401 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://groups.google.com/g/sci.military/search?q=from%3A%20navy%20news%20service Has current owner collective agent Google Group Has carrier version email ftp salts (software version 2.21 or later) wp pagemaker Has identifier for work 352 Has title of work Navy News Service (NAVNEWS) Has note on work Spam emails among the Google conversations list Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Partially available AddressCountry USA EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 2 StartDate 1992-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2400 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin stc.nato.int:70/1 Location - URL https://www.nato.int/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.nato.int/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email listserv gopher ftp telnet Has identifier for work 351 Has title of work NATODATA Has related work of work https://web.archive.org/web/20010210035954/http://listserv.cc.kuleuven.ac.be/archives/natodata.html Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content WB Only Address NATO Integrated Data Service Leopold III Laan AddressCountry Belgium AddressLocality Brussels EndDate 2001-02-01 NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 1110 StartDate 1993-01-15 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2399 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.nsf.gov/publications/ods/results.jsp?TextQuery=&Current_status=Current&Archived_status=Archived&timeframe=Restrict+timeframe+to%3A&docType=0&docSubtype=NSF+Bulletin+%2F+E-Bulletin&search2= Has current owner collective agent Own site Has ISSN 0145-0670 Has identifier for work 350 Has title of work National Science Foundation Bulletin Has note on work Only a few issues found Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Partially available AddressCountry USA EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 318 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2398 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email ftp Has identifier for work 349 Has title of work Music -Research Digest Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject popular music Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry England StartDate 1986-07-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2397 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.prisoncensorship.info/archive/etext/mn/mnbrowse.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.prisoncensorship.info/archive/etext/mn/mnbrowse.html Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email Has identifier for work 348 Has title of work MIM Notes Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject religion Has nature of content Available Address P.O. Box 3576 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Ann Arbor AddressRegion MI EndDate 2006 NumberOfItems 11 PostalCode 48106-3576 StartDate 1984-09-24 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2396 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email Has identifier for work 347 Has title of work MichNet News (previously Merit Network News ) Has related work of work https://www.merit.edu/about/history/ Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available Address Merit Network , Inc. 2901 Hubbard AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Ann Arbor AddressRegion MI EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 26 PostalCode 48105 StartDate 1990-03-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2395 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email hardcopy print Has ISSN 1059-0749 Has identifier for work 346 Has title of work Matrix News Has related work of work https://catalogue.nla.gov.au/Record/1179775 Has note on work Only available in the NLA Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Not available Address 1106 Clayton Lane ,Suite 500W AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Austin AddressRegion TX NumberOfItems 9 PostalCode 78723 StartDate 1992-07-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2394 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv Has identifier for work 345 Has title of work Material Science in Israel Newsletter Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject advocacy publication Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry Israel NumberOfItems 0 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2393 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED417841 Has current owner collective agent National library Has carrier version paper and electronic print Has hosting institution Library and Archives Canada Has identifier for work 344 Has title of work MAGnet Newsletter Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject advocacy publication Has nature of content Partially available Address ERIC Clearinghouse 805 Pennsylvania Avenue AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Urbana AddressRegion IL EndDate 1997 NumberOfItems 77 PostalCode 61801 StartDate 1993-10-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2392 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv Has ISSN 1014-7470 Has identifier for work 343 Has title of work MAB Northern Sciences Network Newsletter Has related work of work https://www.gvsu.edu/cms4/asset/3A8AF24B-DDCC-71FD-83D796AFC483CEEF/april1992_mab_nsn_newsletter.pdf https://uia.org/s/or/en/1100039550 Has note on work Available by subscription only Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject advocacy publication Has nature of content Not available Address Arctic Centre , University of Lapland P.O. Box 122 AddressCountry Finland AddressLocality Rovaniemi NumberOfItems 37 PostalCode 96101 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2391 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://marc.info/?w=2&r=1&s=M-link&q=t Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version gopher email Has identifier for work 342 Has title of work M-Link Newsbytes Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Partially available Address The University of Michigan Library 209 Hatcher Graduate Library North AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Ann Arbor AddressRegion MI EndDate 1994 PostalCode 48109-1205 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2390 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.lymenet.org/newsletter/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.lymenet.org/newsletter/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version listserv email gopher ftp Has identifier for work 341 Has title of work LymeNet Newsletter Has related work of work https://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/jake/mosaic/lymenet-l/readme.html Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject health Has nature of content Available Address 1050 Lawrence Avenue AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Westfield AddressRegion NJ EndDate 2000 NumberOfItems 9 PostalCode 07090-3721 StartDate 1993-01-27 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2389 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://archive.org/details/amor_y_rabia Has current owner collective agent Coordinated preservation effort Has carrier version email ftp Has hosting institution Internet Archive (not WB) Has ISSN 1065-2000 Has identifier for work 340 Has title of work Love and Rage / Amor y Rabia Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject political publication Has nature of content Partially available Address P.O. Box 853 Stuyvesant Station AddressCountry USA AddressLocality New York AddressRegion NY EndDate 2018 NumberOfItems 48 PostalCode 10009 StartDate 1992-12-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2388 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv Has ISSN 1060-8192 Has identifier for work 339 Has title of work List Review Service Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available Address Thomas Jefferson Library University of Missouri -St . Louis 8001 Natural Bridge Rd. AddressCountry USA AddressLocality St. Louis AddressRegion MO NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 63121 StartDate 1991-11-04 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2387 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version listserv subscription Has hosting institution Cornell University Has identifier for work 338 Has title of work LIIBULLETIN Has related work of work https://www.law.cornell.edu/bulletins.html#HOW_LIIBULLETIN https://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/cert/previews Has note on work The original LII bulletin is available only through subscription but in 2004 liibulletin added a preview service, which explores cases currently before the US Supreme Court Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available AddressCountry USA StartDate 1993-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2386 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://cmnexus.org/magazines/The_Lighthouse/issues https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://cmnexus.org/magazines/The_Lighthouse/issues Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email gopher ftp Has hosting institution CMnexus : Contemporary Christian culture, music, and media. Has ISSN 1070-6690 Has identifier for work 337 Has title of work LIGHTHOUSE Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject popular music Has nature of content Partially available Address 256 E.College Ave. ,Suite 302 State College AddressCountry USA AddressRegion PA EndDate 1994 NumberOfItems 3 PostalCode 16801 StartDate 1993-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2385 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email listserv gopher ftp hardcopies print Has identifier for work 336 Has title of work Life's Windows (Chinese: Chuang1 Kou3 ) Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject advocacy publication Has nature of content Not available Address 2439 26Ave. ,NW AddressCountry Canada AddressLocality Calgary AddressRegion Alberta NumberOfItems 1 PostalCode T2M 2H1 StartDate 1993-11-04 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2384 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.ala.org/ala/lama/lamapublications/leadsfromlama/Default2441.htm https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.ala.org/ala/lama/lamapublications/leadsfromlama/Default2441.htm Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email Has ISSN applied for Has identifier for work 335 Has title of work Leads from LAMA Has source consulted no address Has subject advocacy publication Has nature of content WB Only Address Library Administration & Management Association, American Library Association AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Chicago AddressRegion IL EndDate 2003 NumberOfItems 1 PostalCode 60611 StartDate 1994-03-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2383 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.loc.gov/catdir/lccn/index.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.loc.gov/catdir/lccn/index.html Has current owner collective agent National library Has carrier version listserv Has hosting institution Library of Congress (USA) Has ISSN 1066-8829 Has identifier for work 334 Has title of work LC Cataloging Newsline Has related work of work https://listserv.loc.gov/cgi-bin/wa?A0=LCCN https://catdir.loc.gov/catdir/lccn/ http://webdoc.sub.gwdg.de/edoc/aw/lccn/content.htm Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Partially available AddressCountry USA NumberOfItems 284 StartDate 1993-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2382 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://www.lbl.gov/LBL-Publications/Currents/Currents.html Location - URL https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.lbl.gov/LBL-Publications/Currents/Currents.html https://www2.lbl.gov/Publications/Currents/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www2.lbl.gov/Publications/Currents/ Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version www Has date of capture of representative expression 2000-12-12 Has hosting institution Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Has identifier for work 333 Has title of work LBL Currents Weekly Newsletter Has related work of work https://search.lbl.gov/?q=Lawrence+Berkeley+Laboratory+CURRENTS#gsc.tab=0&gsc.q=LBL%20Currents%20Weekly%20Newsletter&gsc.sort= Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject advocacy publication Has nature of content Available AddressCountry USA EndDate 2008 NumberOfItems 2 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2381 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version ftp email Has identifier for work 332 Has title of work Late Show News Has source consulted no address Has subject advocacy publication Has nature of content Not available -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2380 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.brown.edu/Research/Primate/back.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.brown.edu/Research/Primate/back.html Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version listserv hardcopy print Has hosting institution Brown University Has ISSN 0023-6861 Has identifier for work 331 Has title of work Laboratory Primate Newsletter Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address Psychology Department ,Box 1853 Brown University AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Providence AddressRegion RI EndDate 2011 NumberOfItems 323 PostalCode 2912 StartDate 1991-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2379 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.kidlink.org/history/index.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.kidlink.org/history/index.html Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version listserv gopher kids.ccit.duq.edu70 Has identifier for work 330 Has title of work KIDLINK Newsletter Has note on work 2007 still has newsletter 2008 doesn't have one Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject advocacy publication Has nature of content Partially available AddressCountry Norway EndDate 2008 NumberOfItems 2 StartDate 1990-06-17 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2378 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://planet4589.org/space/jsr/jsr.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://planet4589.org/space/jsr/jsr.html Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email usenet Has identifier for work 329 Has title of work Jonathan's Space Report Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject advocacy publication Has nature of content Available AddressCountry USA EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 4 StartDate 1989-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2377 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/johnl/zines/e-zine-list.html Location - URL https://groups.google.com/g/rec.mag/c/30Bww7tfYkE/m/aDiCzpcfAgAJ Has current owner collective agent Google Group Has carrier version ftp gopher www email Has identifier for work 328 Has title of work John Labovitz's E -Zine -List Has note on work Google Groups Has source consulted no address Has subject personal zine Has nature of content Partially available -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2376 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email Has identifier for work 327 Has title of work Jalinan Jaring Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available Address Jalinan Jaring , Editor MIMOS , 7th Floor Exchange Square off Jalan Semantan AddressCountry Malaysia AddressLocality Kuala Lumpur NumberOfItems 2 PostalCode 50490 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2375 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://serials.infomotions.com/irld/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://serials.infomotions.com/irld/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version listserv Has hosting institution Infomotions, LLC (Eric Lease Morgan) Has ISSN 1064-6965 Has identifier for work 326 Has title of work IR-LIST Digest (IR - L Digest) Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Available Address University of California Division of Library Automation 300 Lakeside Drive AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Oakland AddressRegion CA EndDate 2000 NumberOfItems 1 PostalCode 94612-3550 StartDate 1985-08-13 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2374 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email Has identifier for work 325 Has title of work Internet-on-a-Disk Has related work of work https://seltzerbooks.com/ioad.html Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Not available Address B&R Samizdat Express P.O. Box 161 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality West Roxbury AddressRegion MA PostalCode 2132 StartDate 1994-02-17 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2373 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/museum/imr/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email ftp mail server Has hosting institution RFC Editor Has identifier for work 324 Has title of work Internet Monthly Report Has related work of work https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/museum/imr/ Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Available AddressCountry USA EndDate 1998 NumberOfItems 4 StartDate 1984-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2372 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://mtv.com Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email gopher Has date of capture of representative expression 1996-05-12 Has ISSN 1070-9851 Has identifier for work 323 Has title of work Internet Letter Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available Address 220 National Press Building AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Washington ,D.C. NumberOfItems 13 PostalCode 20045 StartDate 1993-10-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2371 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.govinfo.gov/app/collection/fr https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.govinfo.gov/app/collection/fr Has current owner collective agent National government site Has carrier version gopher wais usenet ftp Has hosting institution Federal Register (USA) Has identifier for work 322 Has title of work Internet Federal Register Service Has related work of work https://heinonline.org/HOL/Index?index=fedreg/fedreg&collection=fedreg Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Available Address Counterpoint Publishing 84 Sherman Street AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Cambridge AddressRegion MA EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 2,399 PostalCode 2140 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2370 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.govinfo.gov/bulkdata/CBD https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.govinfo.gov/bulkdata/CBD Has current owner collective agent National government site Has carrier version gopher /wais usenet ftp print Has hosting institution GPO Bulk Data Repository (USA) Has identifier for work 321 Has title of work Internet Commerce Business Daily Has related work of work https://www.gao.gov/assets/ggd-89-113br.pdf Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Partially available Address Counterpoint Publishing 84 Sherman Street AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Cambridge AddressRegion MA EndDate 2002 NumberOfItems 1,056 PostalCode 2140 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2369 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version supplied to subscribers to any of the nbs automated services print Has ISSN 1352-9552 Has identifier for work 320 Has title of work Interface. Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available Address British Library National Bibliographic service Boston Spa, Wetherby AddressCountry England AddressLocality West Yorkshire NumberOfItems 31 PostalCode LS 23 7BQ StartDate 1994-02-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2368 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email Has identifier for work 319 Has title of work Interactive Publishing Alert Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available Address 1124 Harrison St. AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Hollywood AddressRegion FL PostalCode 33019 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2367 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email gopher econet print Has identifier for work 318 Has title of work Inter -American Trade Monitor : Spanish version : El Monitor del Comercio Interamericano Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available Address IATP 1313 Fifth St. ,SE Suite 303 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Minneapolis AddressRegion MN PostalCode 55414 StartDate 1992-04-24 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2366 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://digital.library.illinois.edu/items/f0f78a70-58d3-0133-a816-0050569601ca-6 Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version gopher print Has hosting institution University of Illinois Has identifier for work 317 Has title of work Inside Illinois Has related work of work https://news.illinois.edu/view/6367/358567 https://news.illinois.edu/view/6367/234618 Has note on work Print format ceased publication but is printing for online (by subscription) Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Partially available Address News Bureau 1201 W. Nevada St. AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Urbana AddressRegion IL EndDate 2015 NumberOfItems 1 PostalCode 61801 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2365 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://serials.infomotions.com/infosys/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://serials.infomotions.com/infosys/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version listservp ftp and gopher coming in1994 Has hosting institution Infomotions, LLC (Eric Lease Morgan) Has identifier for work 316 Has title of work INFOSYS: The Electronic Newsletter for Information Systems Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Available Address Information Systems Department Massey University AddressCountry New Zealand AddressLocality Palmerston North EndDate 1996 NumberOfItems 2 StartDate 1994-01-05 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2364 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://ittimes.ucdavis.edu/archives.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://ittimes.ucdavis.edu/archives.html Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version ftp gopher hardcopy print Has hosting institution UC Davis Has identifier for work 315 Has title of work Information Technology Times Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Available Address Planning ,Strategy &Administration University of California 1947 Galileo Court ,Suite 100 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Davis AddressRegion CA EndDate 2009 NumberOfItems 7 PostalCode 95616 StartDate 1992-06-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2363 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://serials.infomotions.com/ipo/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://serials.infomotions.com/ipo/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has hosting institution Infomotions, LLC (Eric Lease Morgan) Has identifier for work 314 Has title of work Information Policy Online Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Partially available Address IIA ,555 New Jersey Avenue ,NW AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Washington ,DC EndDate 1994 PostalCode 20001 StartDate 1994-03-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2362 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv ftp gopher Has ISSN 0966-2774 Has identifier for work 313 Has title of work Information Networking News Has related work of work Main Library, University of Birmingham Edgbaston , Birgmingham UK B15 2TT Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Not available Address Bodleian Library AddressCountry England AddressLocality Oxford NumberOfItems 1 PostalCode 0X1 3BG StartDate 1992 ? -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2361 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version e-mail us mail print Has identifier for work 312 Has title of work Information Gatherer Newsletter Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available Address 2421 W. Pratt Blvd. ,Ste .971 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Chicago AddressRegion IL PostalCode 60645 StartDate 1994-07-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2360 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version ftp print Has identifier for work 311 Has title of work Information Arcade Bulletin Has related work of work https://www.google.com/books/edition/Video_Collections_and_Multimedia_in_ARL/29fgAAAAMAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=Information+Arcade+Bulletin+ANITA+LOWRY&pg=PA135&printsec=frontcover Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry USA NumberOfItems 6 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2359 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/202/300/infocycle/index.html Has current owner collective agent National library Has carrier version email fax (in toronto area) Has hosting institution Library and Archives Canada Has identifier for work 310 Has title of work InfoCycle Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Partially available Address infoCycle, 203-30 Edith Drive AddressCountry Canada AddressLocality Toronto AddressRegion Ontario EndDate 1994 NumberOfItems 1 PostalCode M4R 178 StartDate 1994-02-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2358 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://dcr.lib.unc.edu/record/32a5f31a-1c3c-4b82-bb7d-4304028f845c https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://dcr.lib.unc.edu/record/32a5f31a-1c3c-4b82-bb7d-4304028f845c Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version listserv gopher wais ftp Has hosting institution University of North Carolina Has ISSN 1071-5223 Has identifier for work 309 Has title of work INFOBITS Has related work of work http://serials.infomotions.com/infobits/ https://www.africa.upenn.edu/BBS_Internet/INFOBITS_Newspaper_12527.html Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Available Address Institute for Academic Technology P.O. Box 12017 Research Triangle Park AddressCountry USA AddressRegion NC EndDate 2009 NumberOfItems 2 PostalCode 27709 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2357 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv Has date of capture of representative expression n Has identifier for work 308 Has title of work India News Network (India - L ): India News and Discussion Network (India - D) Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Not available Address 237 William Bowling Green State University AddressCountry USA StartDate 1988-11-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2356 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv (possible expansion to gopher /www ) print Has identifier for work 307 Has title of work THOUSE-L: International Voice Newsletter Prototype List Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Not available Address Box 1083 One Brookings Drive AddressCountry USA AddressLocality St. Louis AddressRegion MO PostalCode 63130-4899 StartDate 1991-02-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2355 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version usenet email ftp www planned paper edition to ieee tcos members print Has identifier for work 306 Has title of work IEEE.Technical Committee on Operating Systems and Application Environments (TCOS ).Bulletin Has related work of work https://dl.acm.org/loi/tcos Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Not available Address Hewlett -Packard Laboratories 1U -13 1501 Page Mill Road AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Palo Alto AddressRegion CA EndDate 1993 PostalCode 94304 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2354 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin gopher://gopher/icpsr.umich.edu Location - URL https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/web/pages/membership/publications/bulletin/index.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/web/pages/membership/publications/bulletin/index.html Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version gopher print Has hosting institution University of Michagan Has identifier for work 305 Has title of work ICPSR Bulletin Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Available Address ICPSR Institute for Social Research 426 Thompson St. AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Ann Arbor AddressRegion MI EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 111 PostalCode 48106-1248 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2353 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.airc.aist.go.jp/aitec-icot/ICOT/Museum/IFSN/ifs-news-E.html Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email ftp Has identifier for work 304 Has title of work ICOT Free Software Newsletter Has related work of work https://dtai.cs.kuleuven.be/projects/ALP/newsletter/archive_93_96/news/online/libs/icot.html Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Available AddressCountry Japan EndDate 1995 StartDate 1992-07-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2352 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://collections.lib.utah.edu/search?&q=title_t%3A%28IAIMS%29&sort=sort_date_t+desc&facet_setname_s=ehsl_history&fd=title_t%2Cdate_t%2Csubject_t%2Cdescription_t&rows=25&rows=25 Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version print Has hosting institution University of Utah Has identifier for work 303 Has title of work IAIMS Newsletter Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Available Address Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library University of Utah ,Bldg . 589 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Salt Lake City AddressRegion UH EndDate 2008 NumberOfItems 1 PostalCode 84112 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2351 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://listserv.niif.hu/pipermail/metpress/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://listserv.niif.hu/pipermail/metpress/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email gopher news Has ISSN HU -ISSN 1216-0229 Has identifier for work 302 Has title of work Hungarian Electronic Exchange Magyar (Elektronikus Tozsde ) Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Partially available Address MET AddressCountry Hungary AddressLocality Budapest Pf.311 EndDate 2022 PostalCode H-1536 StartDate 1990-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2350 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email Has identifier for work 301 Has title of work HPCwire Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Not available Address 8445 Camino Santa Fe,Suite 204 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality San Diego AddressRegion CA NumberOfItems 1 PostalCode 92116 StartDate 1993-02-15 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2349 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv ftp gopher usenet www (late '94) Has identifier for work 300 Has title of work Hot Off the Tree (HOTT) Has note on work Index only at http://bubl.ac.uk/archive/journals/hott/index.html. That URL is only available in WB. Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Not available Address P.O. Box 18438 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Irvine AddressRegion CA EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 2 PostalCode 92713-8438 StartDate 1994-01-04 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2348 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin byrd.mu.wvnet.edu/ftp/pub/history/internet/hist.news Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv wais Has identifier for work 299 Has title of work HistNews;The Electronic History Newsletter Has related work of work Introduction post: https://www.africa.upenn.edu/BBS_Internet/HISTNews_13755.html Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject history Has nature of content Not available Address Brown University Department of History Box N AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Providence AddressRegion RI EndDate Unknown PostalCode 2906 StartDate 1993-09-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2347 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv email ftp Has identifier for work 298 Has title of work HICNet Medical News: Health Information by Computer Network Newsletter Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject health Has nature of content Not available Address 10250 North 92nd St., #210 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Scottsdale AddressRegion AZ EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 85258-4599 StartDate 1985-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2346 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin hep.net/hepnet-news Location - URL https://web.archive.org/web/20030202005815/http://www.hep.net/hepnrc/hepnetnews/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version ftp gopher www afs decnet copy (from esnet backbone) Has identifier for work 297 Has title of work HEPNet News Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content WB Only Address HEPNRC P.O. Box 500 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Batavia AddressRegion IL EndDate 2000-04-01 NumberOfItems 3 PostalCode 60510 StartDate 1993-03-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2345 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email Has identifier for work 296 Has title of work Hard C.O.R.E Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject popular music Has nature of content Not available Address Box 2419, Buena Vista College 610 W 4th St. AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Storm Lake AddressRegion IA EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 50588 StartDate 1993-03-06 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2344 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.umsl.edu/~munsr/proddir/rev015.htm https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.umsl.edu/~munsr/proddir/rev015.htm Has current owner collective agent University personal webpage Has carrier version listserv ftp bbs commercial networks Has hosting institution University of Missouri St. Louis Has identifier for work 295 Has title of work Handicap Digest Has note on work Only one issue found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Partially available Address c / o ISC -Bunker Ramo 2 Enterprise Drive AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Shelton AddressRegion CT EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 6484 StartDate 1986-06-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2343 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://textfiles.meulie.net/hacking/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://textfiles.meulie.net/hacking/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version gopher ftp listserv Has hosting institution textfiles.com Has identifier for work 294 Has title of work Hack Report Has note on work Some issues are not found Note about current website: other published works displayed here in alphabetical order; Ctrl+F and type ".rpt" Has source consulted no address Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Partially available EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2342 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email Has ISSN 1062-9165 Has identifier for work 293 Has title of work GrimFacts Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Not available Address P.O. Box 6212 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Hamden AddressRegion CT EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 2 PostalCode 06517-0212 StartDate 1991-04-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2341 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.gnu.org/bulletins/bulletins.en.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.gnu.org/bulletins/bulletins.en.html Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version usenet email hardcopy print Has ISSN 1075-7813 Has identifier for work 292 Has title of work GNU's Bulletin: Newsletter of the Free Software Foundation Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Available Address 675 Massachusetts Avenue AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Cambridge AddressRegion MA EndDate 1998-03-01 NumberOfItems 41 PostalCode 2139 StartDate 1986-02-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2340 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://gu.friends-partners.org/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://gu.friends-partners.org/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version listserv fax Has ISSN 1188-6307 Has identifier for work 291 Has title of work GLOSAS News GLObal (Systems Analysis and Simulating) Has note on work Articles displayed in WB snapshot but are inaccessible Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content WB Only Address Champlain College 900 Riverside Drive AddressCountry Canada AddressLocality St. Lambert AddressRegion Quebec EndDate 1997-03-01 PostalCode J4P 3P2 StartDate 1991-11-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2339 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.demu.org/gif-news#h.p_BXlgprRKjRl9 https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.demu.org/gif-news#h.p_BXlgprRKjRl9 Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email ftp bbs Has hosting institution Demu Has identifier for work 290 Has title of work GFX News Has related work of work https://archive.org/search?query=subject%3A%22GFX+News%22 Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Partially available Address 35 Davis D AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Research Triangle Park AddressRegion NC EndDate 1995-04-01 NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 27709 StartDate 1988-11-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2338 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://web.archive.org/web/20031019193917/http://www.etext.org/Zines/ASCII/Future.Culture/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://web.archive.org/web/20031019193917/http://www.etext.org/Zines/ASCII/Future.Culture/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email ftp Has hosting institution Etext Archives Has identifier for work 289 Has title of work FutureCulture FAQ Has related work of work March 10th, 1993 update: http://www.textfiles.com/russian/cyberlib.narod.ru/lib/critica/fc-faq.html Has note on work Many previous versions of this document are not found Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject art/cultural criticism Has nature of content Partially available AddressCountry USA EndDate 1993 StartDate 1991-06-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2337 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv Has identifier for work 288 Has title of work Fulbright Educational Advising Newsletter (FULBNEWS) Has related work of work https://people.ischool.berkeley.edu/~cooper/TechReports/FulbrightReportFinal19930908.pdf Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry Brazil EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 1 StartDate 1993-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2336 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email gopher Has identifier for work 287 Has title of work French Language Press Review Has note on work Not found Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject news publication Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry USA EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2335 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version gopher hardcopy print Has identifier for work 286 Has title of work FOREFRONTS Has note on work Not found Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry USA EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 StartDate 1992-08-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2334 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://ftp.lanet.lv/ftp/sun-info/sunflash/1992/Jun/42.34.process Has current owner collective agent Community hosting / own site Has carrier version ftp email Has hosting institution LANET FTP Archives Has identifier for work 285 Has title of work Florida SunFlash Has related work of work http://ftp.lanet.lv/ftp/sun-info/sunflash/1992/Jan/37.02.retail Has note on work Only two issues found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Partially available Address Sun Microsystems office AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Fort Lauderdale AddressRegion FL EndDate Unknown StartDate 1989-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2333 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/pauld/fishnet/ Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version www email print Has date of capture of representative expression 1999-04-17 Has identifier for work 284 Has title of work Fishnet Has note on work Not found Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject personal zine Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry USA EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 StartDate 1993-12-03 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2332 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://webarchive.nla.gov.au/tep/11009 https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://webarchive.nla.gov.au/tep/11009 Has current owner collective agent National library Has carrier version email hardcopy commercial networks print Has hosting institution National Library of Australia Has identifier for work 283 Has title of work Fineart Forum Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject art/cultural criticism Has nature of content Available Address ISAST 672 South Van Ness AddressCountry USA AddressLocality San Francisco AddressRegion CA EndDate 2004 NumberOfItems 12 PostalCode 94110 StartDate 1987-05-06 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2331 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://bailiwick.lib.uiowa.edu/JOURNALISM/totalControl.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://bailiwick.lib.uiowa.edu/JOURNALISM/totalControl.html Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version email hardcopy print Has hosting institution University of Iowa Has identifier for work 282 Has title of work Federal Information News Syndicate Has note on work Only one issue found Has source consulted no address Has subject news publication Has nature of content Partially available EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 1 StartDate 1993-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2330 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.facenj.org/index.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.facenj.org/index.html Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv ftp usenet hardcopy print Has identifier for work 281 Has title of work Fathers And Children for Equality (FACE) Newsletter Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject advocacy publication Has nature of content Not available Address P.O. Box 18022 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Columbus AddressRegion OH EndDate Unknown PostalCode 43218 StartDate 1992-04-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2329 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email ftp Has identifier for work 280 Has title of work FARNET Gazette Has note on work Early issues not found Has source consulted no address Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2328 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email listserv Has identifier for work 279 Has title of work Farm Policy Week: Food Safety Week: Bio/Technology Diversity/Week: Sustainable Agriculture Week Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available Address IATP 1313 Fifth St., SE Suite 303 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Minneapolis AddressRegion MN EndDate Unknown PostalCode 55414 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2327 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://zapruder.pds.med.umich.edu/uwi.html Location - URL http://www.etext.org/Zines/F5/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.etext.org/Zines/F5/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email ftp gopher www f5conference on the well and bbss around the world print Has date of capture of representative expression 1999-01-16 Has hosting institution EText Archives Has identifier for work 278 Has title of work FactSheet Five: Electric Has related work of work Archive of print version: https://f5archive.org/author/f5archive_yt6rjb/ Has note on work Some issues are not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Partially available Address 1800 Market Street , #141 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality San Francisco AddressRegion CA EndDate 1998 PostalCode 94102-6297 StartDate 1992-07-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2326 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://cea-ftp.cea.berkeley.edu Location - URL https://archive.stsci.edu/euve/newsletter/Resources_pubs_newsletter.html Has current owner collective agent Coordinated preservation effort Has carrier version email Has date of capture of representative expression 1993-04-23 Has hosting institution The Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes Has ISSN 1065-3597 Has identifier for work 277 Has title of work EUVE Observatory Electronic Newsletter Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Available Address The EUVE Public Science Archive Center for EUV Astrophysics University of California, Berkeley 2150 Kittredge Street AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Berkeley AddressRegion CA EndDate 2000-10-01 PostalCode 94720 StartDate 1991-07-08 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2325 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has identifier for work 276 Has title of work Euronomics Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available Address International Business Consortium Alpha Wilhelminalaan la P.O. Box 1154 AddressCountry Netherlands AddressLocality Alphen aan de Rijn EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 2400 BD -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2324 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://eric.ed.gov/?q=ERIC%2FEECE+Newsletter Has current owner collective agent Own site Has identifier for work 275 Has title of work ERIC/EECE Newsletter Has note on work Issues from 1989-1993 not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Partially available Address ERIC Clearinghouse 805 Pennsylvania Avenue AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Urbana AddressRegion IL EndDate 2003 NumberOfItems 212 PostalCode 61801 StartDate 1989-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2323 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.unicamp.br/nipe/enews/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.unicamp.br/nipe/enews/ Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version email listserv Has hosting institution UNICAMP Has identifier for work 274 Has title of work ENEWS: an International Newsletter on Energy Efficiency Issues in the Developing Countries Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject news publication Has nature of content WB Only AddressCountry USA EndDate 1997-07-01 StartDate 1993-03-22 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2322 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version gopher email Has ISSN 1195-6011 Has identifier for work 273 Has title of work ElectroPolis: Government Online Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Not available Address Strangelove Internet Enterprises, Inc. 208 Somerset Street East, Suite A AddressCountry Canada AddressLocality Ottawa AddressRegion Ontario EndDate Unknown PostalCode KIN 6V2 StartDate 1995-05-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2321 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Library print collection Has carrier version email Has ISSN 1057-834X Has identifier for work 272 Has title of work Electronic Public Information Newsletter Has note on work Seems to be availabel in print from a small number of libraries. Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Partially available Address P.O. Box 21001 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Washington, DC EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 26 PostalCode 20009 StartDate 1993-06-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2320 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv Has identifier for work 271 Has title of work Electronic Hebrew Users Newsletter (E-Hug) Has note on work Not found Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry USA EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2319 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.airweb.org/resources/publications/eair-newsletter https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.airweb.org/resources/publications/eair-newsletter Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version listserv Has identifier for work 270 Has title of work Electronic AIR Has related work of work https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/51822333/the-electronic-air-8-29-05-association-for-institutional-research; https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/24533859/the-electronic-air-06-19-08-association-for-institutional-research ; https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/24055094/the-electronic-air-06-25-09-association-for-institutional-research Has note on work Many articles predating 2023 not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Partially available Address Hauge Administration Bldg . Pacific Lutheran University AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Tacoma AddressRegion WA EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 2 PostalCode 98447 StartDate 1986-10-22 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2318 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://www.glef.org/ Location - URL https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.glef.org/ https://www.edutopia.org/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.edutopia.org/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version gopher wais ftp www Has date of capture of representative expression 1996-11-05 Has identifier for work 269 Has title of work Edutopia Has related work of work https://web.archive.org/web/19970603093328/http://www.glef.org/glhttp/edutopia.html Has note on work Some volumes may be inaccesible Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content WB Only Address P.O. Box 3494 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality San Rafeal AddressRegion CA EndDate 1997 NumberOfItems 7 PostalCode 94912 StartDate 1994-05-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2317 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://educom.edu/ Location - URL https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://educom.edu/ https://www.educause.edu/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.educause.edu/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email gopher www Has date of capture of representative expression 1997-06-06 Has identifier for work 268 Has title of work EDUPAGE Has related work of work Janurary 1999-December 2006: https://web.archive.org/web/20070707024230/http://listserv.educause.edu/archives/edupage.html April 1993-December 1998: https://web.archive.org/web/20000817060104/http://www.educause.edu/pub/edupage/archives/edupage.html Has note on work Articles from February-March 1993 not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content WB Only Address 1290 Oxford Road AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Atlanta AddressRegion GA EndDate 2006-12-22 NumberOfItems 12 PostalCode 30306 StartDate 1993-02-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2316 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://lmnet-archive.iis.syr.edu/LM_NET-pre1997/1994/Apr_1994/msg00080.html Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version listserv digest Has hosting institution Syracuse University Has identifier for work 267 Has title of work EdPOL-D Has note on work Only the first issue found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Partially available Address Scholastic Network Scholastic, Inc. 555 Broadway AddressCountry USA AddressLocality New York AddressRegion NY EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 10012 StartDate 1994-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2315 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://climatenetwork.org/resource_type/eco-newsletter/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://climatenetwork.org/resource_type/eco-newsletter/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version ftp gopher usenet Has identifier for work 266 Has title of work ECO Newsletter Has related work of work Issues predating 2006-12-09 not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Partially available Address Hotel des Longchamps 7 Rue Butini AddressCountry Switzerland AddressLocality Geneve EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 1 PostalCode 1201 StartDate 1972-06-05 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2314 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://timorarchive.ca/newsletters-3 Has current owner collective agent Coordinated preservation effort Has carrier version email gopher print Has hosting institution Timor International Solidarity Archive Has identifier for work 265 Has title of work East Timor Action Network News Has note on work Possible name change in 1996: Estafeta (last issue published in Winter 2007) Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Available Address P.O. Box 1182 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality White Plains AddressRegion NT EndDate 1995-11-01 NumberOfItems 7 PostalCode 10602 StartDate 1992-07-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2313 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://earn-history.net/earnest/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://earn-history.net/earnest/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version listserv Has hosting institution The History of the EARN Network Has identifier for work 264 Has title of work EARNEST Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Available Address PSI-Batiment 211 AddressCountry France AddressRegion Orsay EndDate 1993-07-01 NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 91405 StartDate 1992-05-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2312 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://ieeecss.org/publication/e-letter https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://ieeecss.org/publication/e-letter Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email Has identifier for work 263 Has title of work E-letter on Systems, Control, & Signal Processing Has related work of work Issues 40-192: http://www-control.eng.cam.ac.uk/extras/eletter/eletter.html Has note on work Issues 1-39 and 193-370 not found Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject news publication Has nature of content Partially available Address Department of Mathematics & Computing Science Eindhoven University of Technology P.O. Box 513 AddressCountry Netherlands AddressLocality Eindhoven EndDate 2021-03-01 NumberOfItems 2 PostalCode 5600 MB StartDate 1986-09-02 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2311 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email ftp afs -locker Has identifier for work 262 Has title of work E-Club Review Has related work of work Old website: https://web.mit.edu/e-club/ Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Not available Address E15-443 , the Media Lab Massachusetts Institute of Technology AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Cambridge AddressRegion MA EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 2139 StartDate 1994-02-18 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2310 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://web.archive.org/web/20031208082329/http://www.fuw.edu.pl/Dyrdymalki/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://web.archive.org/web/20031208082329/http://www.fuw.edu.pl/Dyrdymalki/ Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version email Has hosting institution University of Warsaw Has ISSN 1064-9794 Has identifier for work 261 Has title of work DYRDYMALKI Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content WB Only Address 3434 GG Brown Lab MEAM Dept. University of Michigan AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Ann Arbor AddressRegion MI EndDate 1996 NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 48109-2125 StartDate 1991-06-06 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2309 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://ftp.flybase.org/flybase/associated_files/DIN_compilation.htm https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://ftp.flybase.org/flybase/associated_files/DIN_compilation.htm Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version listserv ftp Has identifier for work 260 Has title of work Drosophila Information Newsletter Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Available Address Department of Biology Indiana University AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Bloomington AddressRegion IN EndDate 1995-10-01 NumberOfItems 3 PostalCode 47405 StartDate 1990-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2308 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version subscription print Has identifier for work 259 Has title of work dot.COM Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Not available Address 25 Van Zant Street AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Norwalk AddressRegion CT EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 452 PostalCode 6855 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2307 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://donosy.info/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://donosy.info/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version listproc gopher Has ISSN 0867-6860 Has identifier for work 258 Has title of work Donosy (Dziennik Liberalny) Has related work of work http://oldwww.fuw.edu.pl/donosy/ Has note on work Only the current issue is displayed on the website. Archive is currently WIP Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject news publication Has nature of content Available AddressCountry Poland EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 1 StartDate 1989-09-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2306 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.washington.edu/doit/news/do-it-news https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.washington.edu/doit/news/do-it-news Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version listserv braille large print tape print Has hosting institution University of Washington Has identifier for work 257 Has title of work Do-It News Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Available Address University of Washington AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Seattle AddressRegion WA EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 3 StartDate 1993-06-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2305 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/search?&sf=title&so=a&rm=&p=collection%3A%27DLA%20Bulletin%27&ln=en Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version ftp gopher Has hosting institution UC Berkeley Has ISSN 0272-037X Has identifier for work 256 Has title of work DLA Bulletin Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available AddressCountry USA EndDate 1993 NumberOfItems 71 StartDate 1981-02-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2304 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.learningdesign.psu.edu/distance-education-online-symposium https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.learningdesign.psu.edu/distance-education-online-symposium Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version listserv Has hosting institution Pennsylvania State University Has ISSN 1062-9416 Has identifier for work 255 Has title of work Distance Education Online Symposium (DEOSNEWS ) Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Available Address The American Center for the Study of Distance Education The Pennsylvania State University, College of Education 403 South Allen Street, Suite 206 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality University Park AddressRegion PA EndDate 2005-01-01 NumberOfItems 30 PostalCode 16801-5202 StartDate 1991-04-25 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2303 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://hazards.colorado.edu/disaster-research/index https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://hazards.colorado.edu/disaster-research/index Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version listserv Has hosting institution University of Colorado Has identifier for work 254 Has title of work Disaster Research Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Available Address Natural Hazards Information Center IBS #6, Campus Box 482 , University of Colorado AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Boulder AddressRegion CO EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 16 PostalCode 80309-0482 StartDate 1989-01-14 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2302 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://www.digital.com/pub/Digital/info/html/unix-news/home.html Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email ftp www Has date of capture of representative expression 2000-01-07 Has identifier for work 253 Has title of work Digital UNIX News Has note on work Last issue likely published between 1997 and 1998 Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content WB Only Address 529 Bryant AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Palo Alto AddressRegion CA EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 2 PostalCode 94301 StartDate 1992-11-17 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2301 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://www.digital.com/pub/Digital/info/html/unix-news/home.html Location - URL https://groups.google.com/g/biz.digital.announce https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://groups.google.com/g/biz.digital.announce Has current owner collective agent Google Group Has carrier version email usenst ftp www Has date of capture of representative expression 2000-01-07 Has identifier for work 252 Has title of work Digital Press and Analysts News Has note on work Note about "current website": spam converstions listed too; seems to be more frequent after DEC was acquired by Compaq Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Available Address 529 Bryant AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Palo Alto AddressRegion CA EndDate 1997 PostalCode 94301 StartDate 1992-02-25 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2300 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://215railway.wixsite.com/dvarp/newsletter-files https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://215railway.wixsite.com/dvarp/newsletter-files Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version hardcopy listserv print Has identifier for work 251 Has title of work Delaware Valley Rail Passenger Has note on work All issues are available in Google Drive and require permission from owner to access Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Available AddressCountry USA EndDate 2017 NumberOfItems 3 StartDate 1992-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2299 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://groups.google.com/g/comp.os.vms/c/cDruduiuLWA Has current owner collective agent Google Group Has carrier version email usenet news listserv Has identifier for work 250 Has title of work DECUS DFWLUG Network Newsletter Has note on work Only one issue found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Partially available Address 3308 Rockne Lane AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Mesquite AddressRegion TX EndDate Unknown PostalCode 75150 StartDate 1991-01-08 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2298 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv ftp Has identifier for work 249 Has title of work DECNEWS for Education and Research Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry USA NumberOfItems 0 StartDate 1992-03-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2297 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.deaf-magazine.org/category/magazines/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.deaf-magazine.org/category/magazines/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version listproc gopher ftp print Has identifier for work 248 Has title of work Deaf Magazine Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject health Has nature of content Partially available Address 2928 E. Osborn #155 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Phoenix AddressRegion AZ EndDate 1995 PostalCode 85016 StartDate 1994-01-24 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2296 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://cd.textfiles.com/internetinfo/inet/ddn-news/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://cd.textfiles.com/internetinfo/inet/ddn-news/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version ftp print Has hosting institution textfiles.com Has identifier for work 247 Has title of work DDN Management Bulletin Has note on work starts at #22 but same date as the first issue published (skips numbering) Has source consulted no address Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Partially available Address DDN Network Info Center StartDate 1984-03-16 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2295 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email Has identifier for work 246 Has title of work DATA ENTRIES Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry USA NumberOfItems 7 StartDate 1992-11-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2294 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin ftp://ftp.lib.berkeley.edu/pub/Current.cites > Location - URL https://www.currentcites.org/past-issues https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.currentcites.org/past-issues Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version listserv gopher wais ftp print Has ISSN 1060-2356 Has identifier for work 245 Has title of work Current Cites Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Partially available Address Information Systems Instruction and Support University of California AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Berkeley AddressRegion CA EndDate 2021 NumberOfItems 179 PostalCode 94720 StartDate 1991-10-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2293 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin gopher:Niord//.SHSU.edu:70/11gopher-root:(-data.fileserv.comp -text -tex ] Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version usenet listserv Has ISSN applied for Has identifier for work 244 Has title of work CHIP: The Chile Information Project Has related work of work ftp:Niord//.SHSU.edu/comp-text-tex Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Not available Address Department of Economics and Business Analysis College of Business Administration P. O. Box 2118 Sam Houston State University AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Huntsville AddressRegion TX PostalCode 77341 StartDate 1992-11-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2292 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://lists.psu.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CRTNET https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://lists.psu.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CRTNET Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version listserv print Has hosting institution Pennsylvania State University Has identifier for work 243 Has title of work CRTNet: Communication Research and Theory Network Has related work of work https://cios.org/www/crtnet.htm https://www.natcom.org/nca-inside-out/subscribe-commnotes Has note on work Beginning on June 1, 2020, the Communication Research and Theory Network (CRTNET) listserv will no longer be active. Current CRTNET subscribers and all other interested parties can sign up for NCA’s new daily email blast, COMMNotes (accessible through subscription) Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Partially available AddressCountry USA EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 2 StartDate 1985-07-14 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2291 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://cpsr.org/prevsite/program/workplace/index.html/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://cpsr.org/prevsite/program/workplace/index.html/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version listproc Has identifier for work 242 Has title of work CPU: Working in the Computer Industry Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Available Address StarNine Technologies,Inc. 2550 Ninth St. ,Suite 112 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Berkeley AddressRegion CA EndDate 1997 NumberOfItems 1 PostalCode 94710 StartDate 1993-04-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2290 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://cpsr.org/prevsite/publications/newsletters/index.html/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://cpsr.org/prevsite/publications/newsletters/index.html/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email listserv america online download print Has identifier for work 241 Has title of work CPSR /PDX Newsletter Has related work of work http://cpsr.org/prevsite/publications/newsletters/old/subject_index.html/ Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Partially available Address 459 Hamilton AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Palo Alto AddressRegion CA EndDate 2002 NumberOfItems 30 StartDate 1988-10-22 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2289 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email listserv ftp wais gopher Has identifier for work 240 Has title of work CPSR Alert Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Not available Address 666 Pennsylvania Avenue ,S.E. #301 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Washington ,DC PostalCode 20003 StartDate 1993-09-10 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2288 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email Has identifier for work 239 Has title of work Counterpoint Publishing Update Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Not available Address Counterpoint Publishing 84 Sherman Street AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Cambridge AddressRegion MA PostalCode 2140 StartDate 1994-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2287 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email Has identifier for work 238 Has title of work COSMIC Update Has related work of work https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/19910017722 Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Not available Address University of Georgia 382 E. Broad Street AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Athens AddressRegion GA PostalCode 30602 StartDate 1993-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2286 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://news.cornell.edu/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://news.cornell.edu/ Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version gopher print Has hosting institution Cornell University Has ISSN 0747-4628 Has identifier for work 237 Has title of work Cornell Chronicle Has note on work Gopher issues not available but likely included in paper edition Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Available Address Cornell Chronicle Cornell University 840 Hanshaw Road AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Ithaca AddressRegion NY EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 1 PostalCode 14850 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2285 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://cs.bu.edu:80/best/copt-net.html Location - URL http://www.coptic.net/exhibits/Newsletters.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.coptic.net/exhibits/Newsletters.html Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email gopher ftp www print Has identifier for work 236 Has title of work Copt-Net Newsletter and Archives Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject art/cultural criticism Has nature of content WB Only Address 111 Cummington St. AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Boston AddressRegion MA PostalCode 2215 StartDate 1992-05-08 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2284 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email Has identifier for work 235 Has title of work Consortium Update Has related work of work https://uh-ir.tdl.org/handle/10657/5183 Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Not available Address Stanford Data Center Polya Hall AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Stanford AddressRegion CA PostalCode 94305-4136 StartDate 1984-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2283 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.loc.gov/aba/pcc/conser/conserline/index.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.loc.gov/aba/pcc/conser/conserline/index.html Has current owner collective agent National library Has carrier version listserv gopher ftp Has hosting institution Library of Congress (USA) Has ISSN 1072-611X Has identifier for work 234 Has title of work CONSERline Has related work of work https://catalogue.nla.gov.au/Record/3823208 https://catalog.library.vanderbilt.edu/discovery/fulldisplay/alma991039460149703276/01VAN_INST:vanui Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Available Address Library ofCongress ,Serial Record Division AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Washington ,DC EndDate 2007 NumberOfItems 422 PostalCode 20540-4160 StartDate 1994-01-31 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2282 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.nzdl.org/cgi-bin/library.cgi?e=d-00000-00---off-0tcc--00-0----0-10-0---0---0direct-10---4-------0-1l--11-en-50---20-about---00-0-1-00-0-0-11-1-0utfZz-8-00&a=d&cl=CL2.1 Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version email print Has hosting institution Universiy of Waikato Has identifier for work 233 Has title of work Computists' Communique Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Available Address 4064 Sutherland Drive AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Palo Alto AddressRegion CA EndDate 2001 NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 94303 StartDate 1991-01-04 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2281 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version e-mail Has identifier for work 232 Has title of work Computing and Network News Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry USA StartDate 1991-08-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2280 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/CUD/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/CUD/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email listserv usenet commercial networks bbs print Has hosting institution textfiles.com Has ISSN 1004-042X Has identifier for work 231 Has title of work Computer Underground Digest (CuD or CuDigest) Has related work of work https://cu-digest.org/ http://cd.textfiles.com/cuteskunk/Text-Files/Computer-Underground-Digest-Volume-2/ http://www.streettech.com/bcp/BCPgraf/StreetTech/cud.htm https://www.oddnugget.com/oddgopherpage/gopher.661.org:70/cud/cud0609.txt Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Available AddressCountry USA EndDate 1998 NumberOfItems 3 StartDate 1990-03-28 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2279 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://conservancy.umn.edu/handle/11299/56685/discover?rpp=10&etal=0&query=Computer+and+Information+Services+Newsletter&group_by=none&page=1&filtertype_0=author&filter_relational_operator_0=equals&filter_0=University+of+Minnesota.+Computer+and+Information+Services Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version gopher print Has hosting institution University of Minnesota Has identifier for work 230 Has title of work Computer and Information Services Newsletter Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Available Address University of Minnesota Distributed Computing Services Room 190 ,Shepherd Labs 100 Union Street SE AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Minneapolis AddressRegion MN EndDate 1996 NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 55455-0421 StartDate 1991-07-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2278 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin gopher ://gopher.well.sf.ca.us/11/Community/communets/com.net.news Location - URL http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/COMNET/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/COMNET/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version gopher print Has hosting institution textfiles.com Has identifier for work 229 Has title of work Com Net News (CNN ) Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Partially available Address RW Bryant Associates P.O. Box 1828 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality El Prado AddressRegion NM EndDate 1994 PostalCode 87529 StartDate 1994-04-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2277 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://publications.gc.ca/site/eng/9.862967/publication.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://publications.gc.ca/site/eng/9.862967/publication.html Has current owner collective agent National government site Has carrier version email gopher ftp print Has hosting institution Government of Canada Has identifier for work 228 Has title of work Climatic Perspectives Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Available Address 4905 Dufferin St. Downsview AddressCountry Canada AddressRegion Ontario EndDate 1995 NumberOfItems 14 PostalCode MЗН 5T4 StartDate 1993-07-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2276 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv print Has ISSN 1061-7434 Has identifier for work 227 Has title of work Citations for Serial Literature Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject literary publication Has nature of content Not available Address MIT Libraries, Room 14E-210A 77 Massachusetts Avenue AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Cambridge AddressRegion MA NumberOfItems 15 PostalCode 02139-4307 StartDate 1992-02-20 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2275 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://groups.google.com/g/bit.listserv.cfs.newsletter/search?q=cfs%20 Has current owner collective agent Google Group Has carrier version listserv usenet fidonet "cfs echo " print Has ISSN 1066-8152 Has identifier for work 226 Has title of work Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Electronic Newsletter CFS ( -NEWS ) Has note on work Google Groups Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject health Has nature of content Partially available Address 2800 Quebec Street NW #1242 AddressLocality Washington ,DC NumberOfItems 14 PostalCode 20008 StartDate 1992-08-22 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2274 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email Has identifier for work 225 Has title of work Christian Growth Newsletter Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject religion Has nature of content Not available Address Stettbachstr . 75 CH -8051 AddressCountry Switzerland AddressLocality Zurich StartDate 1991-02-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2273 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email Has identifier for work 224 Has title of work CHIP: The Chile Information Project Has related work of work http://wayback.archive-it.org/1068/20090521151338/http://www.chipsites.com/derechos/index_esp.html https://web.stanford.edu/class/las194/GroupProjects99/chile.pdf Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject advocacy publication Has nature of content Not available Address Chile Information Project P.O. Box 53331 AddressCountry Chile AddressLocality Santiago NumberOfItems 2 StartDate 1990-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2272 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/packages/ccic/china-studies/compute/ccnet-archive/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/packages/ccic/china-studies/compute/ccnet-archive/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version listserv Has hosting institution ibiblio Has identifier for work 223 Has title of work Chinese Computing Network ( CCNET ) Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Partially available Address CND 300 M Street, SW , #708 AddressLocality Washington , DC PostalCode 20024 StartDate 1990-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2271 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://ifcss.org:8001/www/pub/org/cal-aeic/index.html Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv listproc email gopher ftp print Has identifier for work 222 Has title of work Chinese Academic LinkAcademic Exchange Information Center News Release CALIAEIC ( News - Release ) Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject advocacy publication Has nature of content Not available Address 300 M Street, SW , Suite N708 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Washington , DC NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 20024 StartDate 1991-08-15 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2270 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://hx.cnd.org/category/%E5%8D%8E%E5%A4%8F%E6%96%87%E6%91%98/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://hx.cnd.org/category/%E5%8D%8E%E5%A4%8F%E6%96%87%E6%91%98/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version listserv ftp print Has ISSN 1021-8602 Has identifier for work 221 Has title of work China News Digest -Chinese Magazine Has related work of work http://archives.cnd.org/HXWK/ http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/packages/ccic/cnd/cnd-china/ Has note on work 135 Dover Dr. ,Apt . #4 Des Plaines , IL60018 Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Available Address 2/95 Beach St AddressCountry Australia AddressLocality Coogee AddressRegion Sydney EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 24 StartDate 1989-03-06 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2269 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has identifier for work 220 Has title of work ChE (Chemical Engineering )Electronic Newsletter Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Not available Address Curtin University of Technology G.P.O. Box U1987 AddressCountry Australia AddressLocality Perth AddressRegion Western Australia NumberOfItems 1 PostalCode 6001 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2268 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://newtotse.com/oldtotse/en/zines/chaos/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email ftp print Has hosting institution newtotse.com Has identifier for work 219 Has title of work Chaos Digest (ChaosD ) Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject advocacy publication Has nature of content Available Address Chaos Computer Club France BP 155 ,93404 St. Ouen Cedex AddressCountry France NumberOfItems 1 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2267 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin ftp://pelican.cit.cornell.edu/pub/ccv*.txt Location - URL http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/CHAOSCORNER/.windex.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/CHAOSCORNER/.windex.html Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email ftp soon -gopher,wais,www Has hosting institution textfiles.com Has identifier for work 218 Has title of work Chaos Corner Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject advocacy publication Has nature of content Available Address 118 W. Upland Rd. AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Ithaca AddressRegion NY EndDate 1994 PostalCode 14850 StartDate 1991-06-25 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2266 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://chance.dartmouth.edu/chance_news/news.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://chance.dartmouth.edu/chance_news/news.html Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version email gopher mosaic print Has hosting institution Dartmouth University Has identifier for work 217 Has title of work Chance News Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address Department of Mathematics Dartmouth College AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Hanover AddressRegion NH NumberOfItems 2 PostalCode 3755 StartDate 1992-09-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2265 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.bio.net/hypermail/annelida/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email gopher Has identifier for work 216 Has title of work Chaetozone Has related work of work http://www.annelida.net/C-nine.html Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Partially available Address 12 Oriel Place Tawa AddressCountry New Zealand AddressLocality Wellington NumberOfItems 1 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2264 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email ftp hardcopy print Has identifier for work 215 Has title of work CERFnet NEWS Has related work of work https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9781555580476500357 Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry USA StartDate 1989-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2263 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has identifier for work 214 Has title of work CD-ROM Updater Has note on work Not found Has source consulted no address Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Not available -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2262 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv Has identifier for work 213 Has title of work CCNEWS: Campus Computing Newsletter Has note on work Not found Has source consulted no address Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Not available -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2261 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email Has identifier for work 212 Has title of work Carolina Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Not available Address Univerzity Karlovy Smetanovo nabr .6 AddressCountry Czech Republic AddressLocality Prague 1 NumberOfItems 1 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2260 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.digitalstudies.org/article/id/7211/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.digitalstudies.org/article/id/7211/ Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version mailserv ftp print Has ISSN 0843-2562 Has identifier for work 211 Has title of work Canadian Humanities Computing Has note on work Only 1 newsletter found Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject literary publication Has nature of content Not available Address Canadian Humanities Computing c/o Computer -Assisted Writing Centre , 530 Scott Library, York University AddressCountry Canada AddressLocality North York AddressRegion ON NumberOfItems 4 PostalCode M3J 1P3 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2259 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listerv ftp and gopher print Has identifier for work 210 Has title of work Cable Regulation Digest Has source consulted no address Has subject news publication Has nature of content Not available StartDate 1994-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2258 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://crln.acrl.org/index.php/crlnews/issue/archive https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://crln.acrl.org/index.php/crlnews/issue/archive Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version gopher print Has identifier for work 209 Has title of work C&RL NewsNet Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Available Address C&RL NewsNet ACRL /ALA 50 E. Huron Street AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Chicago AddressRegion IL EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 1,937 PostalCode 60611 StartDate 1993-09-10 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2257 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv print Has identifier for work 208 Has title of work Byte Of Torah (and )MegaByte Of Torah Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject religion Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry Israel StartDate 1991-12-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2256 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv ftp print Has ISSN 1052-8202 Has identifier for work 207 Has title of work Bulletin of the General Theological Library Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject religion Has nature of content Not available Address Bangor Theological Seminary 159 State Street AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Portland AddressRegion ME NumberOfItems 9 PostalCode 4101 StartDate 1992-10-31 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2255 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version e-mai Has identifier for work 206 Has title of work Buffer Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry USA NumberOfItems 2 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2254 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.acb.org/braille-forum https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.acb.org/braille-forum Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version bbs :acb online 202-331-1058 print Has identifier for work 205 Has title of work Braille Forum Has related work of work https://www.acb.org/acb-braille-forum-past-issues Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject health Has nature of content Available Address The Braille Forum 1155 15th St., NW, Suite 720 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Washington , DC EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 487 PostalCode 20005 StartDate 1990-03-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2253 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.bradford-theatres.co.uk/uploads/files/Groups_Newsletter_March_2016_alt.pdf https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.bradford-theatres.co.uk/uploads/files/Groups_Newsletter_March_2016_alt.pdf Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email gopher print Has identifier for work 204 Has title of work Bradford University Theatre Group Newsletter Has note on work Only 1 newsletter found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject literary publication Has nature of content Partially available Address BUTG , Theatre In The Mill University of Bradford Shearbridge Road AddressCountry England AddressLocality Bradford PostalCode BDZ 1DP StartDate 1993-05-24 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2252 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv (?) print Has identifier for work 203 Has title of work BookBrag Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject literary publication Has nature of content Not available Address Scholastic Inc. 555 Broadway AddressCountry USA AddressLocality New York AddressRegion NY PostalCode 10012 StartDate 1994-03-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2251 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv ftp bbs usenet commercial networks print Has identifier for work 202 Has title of work Blind News Digest Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject health Has nature of content Not available Address c / o Olivetti North America 2 Enterprise Drive AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Shelton AddressRegion CT PostalCode 6484 StartDate 1992-09-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2250 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/BITSBYTES/.windex.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/BITSBYTES/.windex.html Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version listserver ftp gopher commercial online services various bbss print Has hosting institution textfiles.com Has identifier for work 201 Has title of work Bits and Bytes Online Edition Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Partially available Address 1529 Dogwood Drive AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Cherry Hill AddressRegion NJ EndDate 1995 NumberOfItems 1 PostalCode 8003 StartDate 1993-07-17 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2249 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email print Has ISSN 1064-699X Has identifier for work 200 Has title of work Biomedical Library Acquisitions Bulletin (BLAB ) Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject health Has nature of content Not available Address Norris Medical Library 2003 Zonal Ave. AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Los Angeles AddressRegion CA NumberOfItems 34 PostalCode 90033 StartDate 1992-04-15 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2248 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://www.eff.org/pub/Net.info/Big-Dummy/Updates/ Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version e-mail ftp gopher www Has identifier for work 199 Has title of work Big Dummy Update Has note on work Not found Has source consulted no address Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available EndDate Unknown StartDate 1994-03-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2247 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/122385 https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/122385 Has current owner collective agent Coordinated preservation effort Has carrier version email ftp gopher hardcopy bbs print Has hosting institution Biodiversity Heritage Library Has identifier for work 198 Has title of work Bean Bag Has note on work first issue not found Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject science Has nature of content Partially available Address USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Systematic Botany and Mycology Laboratory, Room 304, Building 011A , BARC West AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Beltsville AddressRegion MD EndDate 2007-02-01 NumberOfItems 55 PostalCode 20705-2350 StartDate 1975-05-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2246 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version ftp gopher email usenet Has identifier for work 197 Has title of work Bang Sonic! Has note on work Not found Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject popular music Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry USA EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2245 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listproc Has identifier for work 196 Has title of work B5-REVIEW-L: The Babylon 5 Reviews Electronic Forum Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject art/cultural criticism Has nature of content Not available Address Cornell University AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Ithaca AddressRegion NY EndDate Unknown StartDate 1994-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2244 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin nmnhgoph.si.edu:70/00/.docs/ASPT_data Location - URL https://www.aspt.net/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.aspt.net/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version gopher Has identifier for work 195 Has title of work ASPT Newsletter Has note on work Articles predating 2013 not found Has source consulted no address Has subject news publication Has nature of content Partially available AddressCountry USA EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 90 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2243 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://beekeep.info/apis-newsletter/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://beekeep.info/apis-newsletter/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email Has ISSN 0889-3764 Has identifier for work 194 Has title of work APIS: Apicultural Information and Issues Has related work of work https://www.patreon.com/beeactor; https://www.abebooks.com/first-edition/APIS-Apicultural-Information-Issues-Broken-Run/16312337762/bd Has note on work Articles from Jan. 2018 - Jan. 2022 available via Patreon; requires subscription Articles form Dec. 1990-Nov 1997 available for purchase at AbeBooks Articles predating Dec. 1990 not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Partially available Address Bldg. 970, Box 119620 University of Florida AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Gainesville AddressRegion FL EndDate 2022-01-30 NumberOfItems 98 PostalCode 32611-0620 StartDate 1984-02-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2242 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin andrew.cmu.edu/pub/AUIS/newsletters Location - URL http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~AUIS/andrew-home.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~AUIS/andrew-home.html Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version email comp.soft -sys.andrew Has hosting institution Carnegie Mellon University Has identifier for work 193 Has title of work Andrew View Has note on work Articles available only via ftp Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Available Address Andrew Consortium School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University 5000 Forbes Ave. AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Pittsburgh AddressRegion PA EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 2 PostalCode 15213 StartDate 1992-02-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2241 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin cd.bu.edu/amass/newsletters Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version ftp Has identifier for work 192 Has title of work American Arab Scientific Society Newsletter Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Not available Address P. O. Box 541 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Homdel AddressRegion NJ EndDate Unknown PostalCode 7733 StartDate 1992-06-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2240 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/ai/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/ai/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email ftp gopher Has identifier for work 191 Has title of work Amazons International Has source consulted no address Has subject news publication Has nature of content Available EndDate 1993 NumberOfItems 2 StartDate 1991-04-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2239 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://www.cc.columbia.edu/hauben/home.html Location - URL http://www.ais.org/~jrh/acn/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.ais.org/~jrh/acn/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email ftp usenet gopher www Has date of capture of representative expression 2001-04-29 Has identifier for work 190 Has title of work Amateur Computerist Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Available Address P.O. Box 4344 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Dearborn AddressRegion MI EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 3 PostalCode 48126 StartDate 1992-05-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2238 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://serials.infomotions.com/ann/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://serials.infomotions.com/ann/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email Has hosting institution Infomotions, LLC (Eric Lease Morgan) Has ISSN 1056-6694 Has identifier for work 189 Has title of work ALCTS Network News (AN2) Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject news publication Has nature of content Available Address Association for Library Collections & Technical Services American Library Association 50 E. Huron Street AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Chicago AddressRegion IL EndDate 2001 NumberOfItems 26 PostalCode 60611 StartDate 1991-05-13 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2237 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin dewey.lib.ncsu.edu/pub/stacks/alawon/ Location - URL https://www.ala.org/ala/washoff/washnews/archivea/archive.htm https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.ala.org/ala/washoff/washnews/archivea/archive.htm Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version listserv ftp gopher Has ISSN 1069-7799 Has identifier for work 188 Has title of work ALAWON: The ALA Washington Office Newsline Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject news publication Has nature of content Available AddressCountry USA EndDate 2006 NumberOfItems 49 StartDate 1992-07-09 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2236 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email sci.med.aids list niaid gopher Has identifier for work 187 Has title of work AIDS Information Newsletter Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Not available Address Library Service (142D ) VA Medical Center 4150 Clement Street AddressCountry USA AddressLocality San Francisco AddressRegion CA EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 94121 StartDate 1993-03-25 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2235 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://serials.infomotions.com/acqnet/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://serials.infomotions.com/acqnet/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version listserv Has hosting institution Infomotions, LLC (Eric Lease Morgan) Has ISSN 1057-5308 Has identifier for work 186 Has title of work ACQNET Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Available Address 107A Olin Library AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Ithaca AddressRegion NY EndDate 2000 NumberOfItems 101 PostalCode 14853-5301 StartDate 1991-12-10 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2234 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://info.acm.org/ Location - URL https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://info.acm.org/ Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version www ftp gopher mailserv Has date of capture of representative expression 1997-12-10 Has identifier for work 185 Has title of work ACM-NS Info Flash Has related work of work https://www.acm.org/ Has note on work Not found But the company who ran this service is still operational Has source consulted no address Has subject news publication Has nature of content Not available EndDate Unknown -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2233 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email Has identifier for work 184 Has title of work ACCESS! MONTHLY Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Not available Address 826 Oakbrook Ridge AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Rochester Hills AddressRegion MI EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 48307 StartDate 1993-10-11 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2232 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin chronicle.merit.edu:70/11/ Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version gopher Has identifier for work 183 Has title of work Academe This Week Has related work of work https://www.chronicle.com/ Has note on work Not found But the company who ran this service is still operational Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Not available Address The Chronicle of Higher Education 1255 23 Street N.W. AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Washington, DC EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 7 PostalCode 20037 StartDate 1993-04-14 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2231 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email fax first class mail print Has identifier for work 182 Has title of work A @ G News from Russia Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Not available Address P.O. Box 313 AddressCountry Russia AddressLocality St. Petersburg EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 199397 StartDate 1991-08-08 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2230 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.wired.com/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.wired.com/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version mailserver gopher newsstand us mail the well america online mindovox onenet usenet print Has identifier for work 181 Has title of work Wired Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Available Address P.O. Box 191826 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality San Francisco AddressRegion CA EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 3,207 PostalCode 94119 StartDate 1993-01-26 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2229 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://archive.org/details/WPJ_MAG_INF Has current owner collective agent Coordinated preservation effort Has carrier version compuserve genie america online ftp Has hosting institution Internet Archive (not WB) Has identifier for work 180 Has title of work Windows Programmer's Journal Has related work of work https://wiki.preterhuman.net/index.php?title=The_Windows_Programmer%27s_Journal_-_Mar_93&mobileaction=toggle_view_desktop Has note on work One issue found online. Some other issues are available to download via Internet Archive Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Partially available Address 9436 Mirror Pond Dr. AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Fairfax AddressRegion VA EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 22032 StartDate 1993-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2228 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version gopher ftp email Has identifier for work 179 Has title of work Whirlwind Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject literary publication Has nature of content Not available Address Cornell University AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Ithaca AddressRegion NY EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 StartDate 1994-03-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2227 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.libertarian-labyrinth.org/beyond-the-labyrinth/voices-from-the-net-1993/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.libertarian-labyrinth.org/beyond-the-labyrinth/voices-from-the-net-1993/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version hypercard gopher ftp Has hosting institution The Libertarian Labyrinth Has ISSN 1072-1908 Has identifier for work 178 Has title of work Voices from the Net Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject literary publication Has nature of content Available AddressCountry USA EndDate 1994 NumberOfItems 0 StartDate 1993-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2226 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://siva.cshl.org/boutell/verbiage/index.html Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version www email Has identifier for work 177 Has title of work Verbiage Magazine Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject literary publication Has nature of content Not available Address Quest Protein Database Center Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory P.O. Box 100 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Cold Spring Harbor AddressRegion NY EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 1 PostalCode 11724 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2225 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/UXU/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/UXU/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version gopher listserv bbs ftp Has hosting institution textfiles.com Has identifier for work 176 Has title of work uXu: Underground eXperts United Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject literary publication Has nature of content Available Address P.O. Box 5 AddressCountry Sweden AddressLocality Svarddsjo EndDate 2002 PostalCode S -790 23 StartDate 1991-10-15 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2224 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.unitcircle.com/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.unitcircle.com/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version ftp email print Has identifier for work 175 Has title of work Unit Circle Has note on work Issues 1-2 not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject art/cultural criticism Has nature of content Partially available Address P.O. Box 640 885 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality San Francisco AddressRegion CA EndDate 2004 NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 94164 StartDate 1993-03-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2223 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.anus.com/tuc/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.anus.com/tuc/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email gopher ftp usenet Has identifier for work 174 Has title of work Undiscovered Country Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject literary publication Has nature of content Available AddressCountry USA EndDate 2004 NumberOfItems 0 StartDate 1992-07-11 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2222 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~ucurrent/home.html Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version listserv (mailserv ) gopher Has hosting institution University of Oregon Has identifier for work 173 Has title of work Undercurrent Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content WB Only Address Dept. of English University ofOregon AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Eugene AddressRegion OR EndDate 1999 NumberOfItems 7 PostalCode 97403 StartDate 1994-05-09 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2221 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://ulamquarterly.dyndns.org/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://ulamquarterly.dyndns.org/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version ftp Has identifier for work 172 Has title of work Ulam Quarterly Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available AddressCountry USA EndDate 1996 NumberOfItems 131 StartDate 1990-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2220 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://twilightworld.online/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://twilightworld.online/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email ftp Has identifier for work 171 Has title of work Twilight World Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject literary publication Has nature of content Available AddressCountry Netherlands AddressLocality Utrecht EndDate 2001-07-01 NumberOfItems 1 PostalCode NL -3523 GV StartDate 1993-04-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2219 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://web.mit.edu/afs/athena.mit.edu/user/t/h/thomasc/Public/twenty/intro.html Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version ftp www Has date of capture of representative expression 1999-12-05 Has identifier for work 170 Has title of work TwentyNothing Has related work of work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject literary publication Has nature of content Not available Address MIT AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Cambridge AddressRegion MA EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2218 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://www.trincoll.edu/homepage.html Location - URL https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.trincoll.edu/homepage.html Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version www email Has date of capture of representative expression 1997-10-09 Has hosting institution Trinity College (Hartford, CT) Has identifier for work 169 Has title of work Trincoll Journal Has related work of work https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinity_Journal_(webzine) Has note on work Some issues found only via Wayback. Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject art/cultural criticism Has nature of content WB Only Address Trinity College AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Hartford AddressRegion CT EndDate 2000 NumberOfItems 9 StartDate 1993-11-18 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2217 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://heimdall.riapub.com/topy.html Location - URL http://www.chaosmatrix.org/library/chaos/topy/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.chaosmatrix.org/library/chaos/topy/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email ftp www usenet Has identifier for work 168 Has title of work TRANSMISSIONS;The Electronic Journal of Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth, North America Has note on work Some issues found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject religion Has nature of content Partially available Address Box 33565 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality San Diego AddressRegion CA EndDate Unknown PostalCode 92163 StartDate 1990-11-23 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2216 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.toxiccustard.com/backissues/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.toxiccustard.com/backissues/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email usenet Has identifier for work 167 Has title of work Toxic Custard Workshop Files Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject comedy Has nature of content Available Address MIT AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Cambridge AddressRegion MA EndDate 1998 NumberOfItems 1 StartDate 1990-08-13 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2215 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://www-penninfo.upenn.edu/:1962/tiserve.mit.edu/9000/33010/menu Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version www Has ISSN 1058-8507 Has identifier for work 166 Has title of work Thistle Has related work of work https://web.archive.org/web/20001120010200/http://www.mit.edu:8001/activities/thistle/thistle.html; https://www.blackhistory.mit.edu/publications/ebony-affair-twenty-years-ebony-1995#:~:text=The%20Thistle%20was%20a%20student,from%20a%20progressive%2Fradical%20perspective. Has note on work Not found, but some info found via MIT's black history webpage. Original website works on Wayback but only Volumes 9-12 are displayed; Links to those issues are not functional Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Not available Address Alternative News Collective MIT W20-413, 84 Massachusetts Ave AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Cambridge AddressRegion MA EndDate 2005 NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 02139-0901 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2214 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://ctan.org/tex-archive/info/digests/tex-mag?lang=en https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://ctan.org/tex-archive/info/digests/tex-mag?lang=en Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email Has hosting institution The Comprehensive TEX Archive Network Has identifier for work 165 Has title of work TeXMaG Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Available Address Academic Computing Services,Texas A & M University AddressCountry USA AddressLocality College Station AddressRegion TX EndDate 1991 NumberOfItems 1 StartDate 1987-01-24 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2213 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://tesl-ej.org/wordpress/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://tesl-ej.org/wordpress/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version listserv gopher ftp diskette Has ISSN 1072-4303 Has identifier for work 164 Has title of work TESL -EJ: Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language: An Electronic Journal Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address College Writing Programs 216 Dwinelle Annex UC Berkeley AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Berkeley AddressRegion CA EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 1 PostalCode 94720 StartDate 1994-01-04 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2212 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://www.cis.upenn.edu/mjd/tsa Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email www us post print Has ISSN 1062-3981 Has identifier for work 163 Has title of work Temptation of Saint Anthony Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject literary publication Has nature of content Not available Address Martin Bormann's Cranial Splints P.O. Box 8166 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Philadelphia AddressRegion PA EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 19101-8166 StartDate 1990-11-05 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2211 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://yak.net/pub/surfpunk/issues/ Location - URL http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/SURFPUNK/.windex.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/SURFPUNK/.windex.html Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email Has date of capture of representative expression 2013-08-11 Has hosting institution textfiles.com Has identifier for work 162 Has title of work SURFPUNK Technical Journal Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Available AddressCountry USA EndDate 1994-03-14 StartDate 1992-12-02 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2210 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.erudit.org/en/journals/surfaces/#journal-info-about https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.erudit.org/en/journals/surfaces/#journal-info-about Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version ftp gopher Has ISSN 1188-2492 Has identifier for work 161 Has title of work Surfaces Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address Departement de litterature comparee Université de Montréal C.P. 6128 , Succursale Centre - ville AddressCountry Canada AddressLocality Montreal AddressRegion PQ EndDate 2001 NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode H3C 3J7 StartDate 1991-10-31 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2209 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://zappruder.pds.med.umich.edu/uwi.html Location - URL https://web.archive.org/web/19990117055714/http://kzsu.stanford.edu/uwi/soc.html Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version www Has hosting institution KZSU Stanford Has identifier for work 160 Has title of work Stream of Consciousness Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject literary publication Has nature of content WB Only Address P.O. Box 4060 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Ann Arbor AddressRegion MI EndDate 1995-08-01 NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 48106-4060 StartDate 1994-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2208 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://ftp.icm.edu.pl/packages/spojrzenia/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://ftp.icm.edu.pl/packages/spojrzenia/ Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version email gopher ftp print Has ISSN 1067-4020 Has identifier for work 159 Has title of work Spojrzenia Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject art/cultural criticism Has nature of content Available Address University of Washington BG - 10 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Seattle AddressRegion WA EndDate 1998-06-19 NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 98195 StartDate 1991-11-15 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2207 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version gopher Has identifier for work 158 Has title of work Sparks Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject personal zine Has nature of content Not available Address 232 North Kingshighway #616 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality St. Louis AddressRegion MO EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 63108-1248 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2206 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www-personal.umich.edu/~copyrght/image/solstice.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www-personal.umich.edu/~copyrght/image/solstice.html Has current owner collective agent University personal webpage Has carrier version email ftp gopher Has ISSN 1059-5325 Has identifier for work 157 Has title of work SOLSTICE : An Electronic Journal of Geography and Mathematics Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address 2790 Briarcliff AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Ann Arbor AddressRegion MI EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 879 PostalCode 48105-1429 StartDate 1990-08-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2205 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email soon ftp Has identifier for work 156 Has title of work Slither Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject art/cultural criticism Has nature of content Not available Address 402 Broadway 3 159 #159 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality San Francisco AddressRegion CA EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 94133 StartDate 1993-09-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2204 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.escj.org/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.escj.org/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version ftp print Has ISSN 0361-0160 Has identifier for work 155 Has title of work Sixteenth Century Journal Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject history Has nature of content Available Address Northeast Missouri State University McClain Hall 111L AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Kirksville AddressRegion MO EndDate 2022 NumberOfItems 1,560 PostalCode 63501 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2203 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.etext.org/Politics/Organized.Thoughts/DeLeon/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email ftp Has hosting institution Etext Archives Has identifier for work 154 Has title of work Sense of Place Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject advocacy publication Has nature of content WB Only Address Dartmouth College AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Hanover AddressRegion NC EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 5 StartDate 1990-08-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2202 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.quut.com/berlin/scream/index.html Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email ftp Has hosting institution Questionable Utility Company Has identifier for work 153 Has title of work Scream Baby Has source consulted no address Has subject art/cultural criticism Has nature of content Available EndDate 1995 NumberOfItems 0 StartDate 1992-09-27 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2201 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://itre.uncecs.edu/misc/sj/sj.html Location - URL https://groups.google.com/g/rec.video.satellite/search?q=SATELLITE%20JOURNAL%20ITL Has current owner collective agent Google Group Has carrier version email www ftp usenet compuserve print Has identifier for work 152 Has title of work Satellite Journal International Has note on work Only Vol. 2 Issues 1-19 are found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Partially available Address P.O. Box 2065 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Burleson AddressRegion TX EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 76097-2065 StartDate 1993-04-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2200 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email gopher ftp Has ISSN 1022-1069 Has identifier for work 151 Has title of work Sarko Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject literary publication Has nature of content Not available Address d.i.h. press P.O. Box 1010 AddressCountry Hong Kong AddressLocality Shatin AddressRegion NT EndDate Unknown StartDate 1994-09-20 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2199 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.etext.org/Zines/ASCII/Sand.River.Journal Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version usenet ftp Has hosting institution Etext Archives Has identifier for work 150 Has title of work Sand River Journal Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject literary publication Has nature of content WB Only Address NASA Ames Research Center MS 245-3 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Moffettt Field AddressRegion CA EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 2 PostalCode 94035 StartDate 1993-06-21 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2198 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://writing.upenn.edu/epc/rift/index.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://writing.upenn.edu/epc/rift/index.html Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version gopher ftp Has hosting institution University of Pennsylvania Has ISSN 1070-0072 Has identifier for work 149 Has title of work RIF/T Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject literary publication Has nature of content Available Address University at Buffalo AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Buffalo AddressRegion NY EndDate 1997 NumberOfItems 160 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2197 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://wac.colostate.edu/rhetnet/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://wac.colostate.edu/rhetnet/ Has current owner collective agent Coordinated preservation effort Has carrier version listserv Has hosting institution WAC Clearinghouse Has identifier for work 148 Has title of work Rhetnet: A Cyberjournal for Rhetoric and Writing Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address Learning Center 231 Arts & Science University of Missouri AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Columbia AddressRegion MO EndDate 1997 NumberOfItems 5 PostalCode 65211 StartDate 1994-05-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2196 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://brill.com/display/title/16209 Has current owner collective agent Commercial publisher Has carrier version commercial network Has hosting institution Brill Has identifier for work 147 Has title of work RFE /RL: Research Institute Research Bulletin Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Partially available AddressCountry Germany EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 39 StartDate 1989-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2195 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email ftp print Has identifier for work 146 Has title of work Research & Reflection: A Journal of Educational Praxis Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Not available Address School of Education Gonzaga University E. 502 Mission AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Spokane AddressRegion WA EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 99207 StartDate 1995-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2194 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://catalogue.nla.gov.au/catalog/822786 Has current owner collective agent National library onsite accesss Has carrier version email gopher ftp Has hosting institution National Library of Australia Has ISSN 1320-6435 Has identifier for work 145 Has title of work Red Politics Has note on work Reading room access only Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject art/cultural criticism Has nature of content Available Address RP Publishing 2-77 Holden St. North AddressCountry Australia AddressLocality Fitzroy AddressRegion VIC EndDate 1993 NumberOfItems 1 PostalCode 3068 StartDate 1993-09-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2193 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email Has ISSN 1188-0708 Has identifier for work 144 Has title of work PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Consciousness Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject art/cultural criticism Has nature of content Not available Address York University AddressCountry Canada AddressLocality Toronto AddressRegion Ontario EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 0 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2192 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://newtotse.com/oldtotse/en/ego/no_laughing_matter/index.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://newtotse.com/oldtotse/en/ego/no_laughing_matter/index.html Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version listserv gopher ftp Has hosting institution newtotse.com Has identifier for work 143 Has title of work Random Access Humor (RAH ) Has note on work Current url has other published works archive along with this one; all organized in alphabetical order, scroll down to R Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject comedy Has nature of content Partially available Address P.O. Box 595 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Pasadena AddressRegion MD EndDate Unknown PostalCode 21122 StartDate 1992-09-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2191 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email gopher ftp Has ISSN 1053-8496 Has identifier for work 142 Has title of work QUANTA: Science, Fact, and Fiction Has note on work Not found Has source consulted no address Has subject science fiction Has nature of content Not available EndDate Unknown StartDate 1989-10-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2190 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/PURPS/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/PURPS/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email ftp Has hosting institution textfiles.com Has identifier for work 141 Has title of work Purple Thunderbolt of Spode (PURPS ) Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject religion Has nature of content Partially available Address IGHF 955 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 209 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Cambridge AddressRegion MA EndDate 1994 NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 2139 StartDate 1990 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2189 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version gopher ftp email Has identifier for work 140 Has title of work Pure Bullocks Online Has note on work Not found Has source consulted no address Has subject science fiction Has nature of content Not available EndDate Unknown -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2188 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://uh-ir.tdl.org/handle/10657/4718 https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://uh-ir.tdl.org/handle/10657/4718 Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version listserv gopher print print Has hosting institution University of Houston Has ISSN 1048-6542 Has identifier for work 139 Has title of work Public-Access Computer Systems Review Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Available Address University Libraries University of Houston AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Houston AddressRegion TX EndDate 1998 NumberOfItems 327 PostalCode 77204-2091 StartDate 1990-01-03 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2187 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.cogsci.ecs.soton.ac.uk/cgi/psyc/newpsy https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.cogsci.ecs.soton.ac.uk/cgi/psyc/newpsy Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version listserv ftp gopher usenet Has hosting institution University of Southhampton Has ISSN 1055-0143 Has identifier for work 138 Has title of work PSYCOLOQUY: A Refereed Journal of Peer Commentary in Psychology , Neuroscience and Cognitive Science Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address Cognitive Science Laboratory Princeton University 221 Nassau Street AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Princeton AddressRegion NJ EndDate 2002 NumberOfItems 167 PostalCode 08544-2093 StartDate 1990-02-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2186 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.tc.columbia.edu/publications/gsjp/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.tc.columbia.edu/publications/gsjp/ Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version listserv Has hosting institution Columbia University Has ISSN 1195-325X Has identifier for work 137 Has title of work Psychology Graduate Student Journal : The PSYCGRAD Journal (PSYGRD - J) Has note on work Volumes 1-5 not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Partially available Address School of Psychology University of Ottawa 145 Jean Jacques Lussier AddressCountry Canada AddressLocality Ottawa AddressRegion Ontario EndDate Currently published PostalCode KIN 6N5 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2185 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://journalpsyche.org/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://journalpsyche.org/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version listserv ftp Has ISSN 1039-723X Has identifier for work 136 Has title of work PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Consciousness Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address Department of Psychology Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology AddressCountry Australia AddressLocality Bundoora AddressRegion VIC EndDate 2010 NumberOfItems 310 PostalCode 3083 StartDate 1993-12-24 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2184 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin https://www.cwi.nl/cwi/people/Jack.Jansen/spunk/Spunk.Home.html Location - URL http://www.spunk.org/texts/pubs/pa/index.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.spunk.org/texts/pubs/pa/index.html Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email subscription ftp gopher www Has hosting institution Spunk Library Has identifier for work 135 Has title of work Practical Anarchy Online Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject political science Has nature of content Available Address Practical Anarchy P.O. Box 173 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Madison AddressRegion WI EndDate 1995 NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 53701-0173 StartDate 1992-07-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2183 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email ftp surface mail print Has identifier for work 134 Has title of work Power to the People Mover Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available Address Minister Altair-Five P.O. Box 232741 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Leucadia AddressRegion CA EndDate Unknown PostalCode 92023 StartDate 1993 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2182 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email ftp Has identifier for work 133 Has title of work Powderkeg Magazine Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject literary publication Has nature of content Not available Address 45 Madison Ave. AddressCountry Canada AddressLocality Toronto AddressRegion Ontario EndDate Unknown PostalCode M5R 252 StartDate 1993-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2181 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://pmc.iath.virginia.edu//contents.all.html Location - URL https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://pmc.iath.virginia.edu//contents.all.html https://www.pomoculture.org/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.pomoculture.org/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version listserv diskette microfiche www ftp gopher Has date of capture of representative expression 2009-07-17 Has ISSN 1053-1920 Has identifier for work 132 Has title of work Postmodern Culture Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address North Carolina State University Box 8105 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Raleigh AddressRegion NC EndDate 2021-09-01 NumberOfItems 1,037 PostalCode 27695 StartDate 1990-09-30 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2180 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://ftp.icm.edu.pl/pub/journals/pigulki/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://ftp.icm.edu.pl/pub/journals/pigulki/ Has current owner collective agent University Site Has carrier version email listserv (netlib ) ftp gopher bbs Has hosting institution University of Warsaw Has ISSN 1060-9288 Has identifier for work 131 Has title of work PIGULKI Has source consulted no address Has subject news publication Has nature of content Available EndDate 1998-05-05 NumberOfItems 1 StartDate 1990-07-15 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2179 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.phrack.org/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.phrack.org/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email ftp bbss(world-wide) Has identifier for work 130 Has title of work Phrack Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Available Address 603 W. 13th #1A -278 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Austin AddressRegion TX EndDate 2021-10-05 NumberOfItems 1 PostalCode 78701 StartDate 1985-11-17 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2178 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.pbm.com/~lindahl/pbm.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.pbm.com/~lindahl/pbm.html Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version usenet ftp gopher email Has identifier for work 129 Has title of work PBEM - Play by E-mail Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject entertainment Has nature of content Available Address P.O. Box 3818 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Charlottesville AddressRegion VA EndDate 1997-02-22 PostalCode 22903 StartDate 1992-07-15 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2177 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email ftp gopher fidonet pentagon bbs print Has identifier for work 128 Has title of work Parthenogenesis Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject personal zine Has nature of content Not available Address 804 S. College , #8363 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Ft. Collins AddressRegion CO EndDate Unknown PostalCode 80524 StartDate 1993-03-07 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2176 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email listserv Has identifier for work 127 Has title of work Organized Thoughts Has source consulted no address Has subject art/cultural criticism Has nature of content Not available EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 2 StartDate 1992-06-05 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2175 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.hoddereducation.co.uk/subjects/history/products/16-18/modern-history-review Has current owner collective agent Commercial publisher Has carrier version victoria freenet gopher Has ISSN 1181-1151 Has identifier for work 126 Has title of work Online Modern History Review Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address P.O. Box 36514 AddressCountry Canada AddressLocality Richmond AddressRegion British Columbia EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 38 PostalCode ,V7C 4E7 StartDate 1992-12-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2174 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://sigmapubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1547-5069.1994.tb00323.x Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version internet direct dial oclc communications network or compuserve network Has ISSN 1072-7639 Has identifier for work 125 Has title of work Online Journal of Knowledge Synthesis for Nursing Has related work of work https://searchworks.stanford.edu/view/13743914 Has note on work Only one issue found via Google Search Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Partially available Address Sigma Theta Tau International 550 W. North Street AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Indianapolis AddressRegion IN EndDate 2003 NumberOfItems 449 PostalCode 46202 StartDate 1993-12-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2173 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://access.portico.org/Portico/loviView?cs=ISSN_10592725&content=E-Journal%20Content https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://access.portico.org/Portico/loviView?cs=ISSN_10592725&content=E-Journal%20Content Has current owner collective agent Coordinated preservation effort Has carrier version available via the internet direct dial oclc communications network or compuserve network Has hosting institution Portico Has ISSN 1059-2725 Has identifier for work 124 Has title of work Online Journal of Current Clinical Trials Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address 1333 H Street, NW Room 1155 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Washington, DC EndDate 1997 NumberOfItems 157 PostalCode 20005 StartDate 1992-07-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2172 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version subscription print Has identifier for work 123 Has title of work Obscure Electric Has related work of work https://www.courant.com/1999/06/17/jim-romenesko-tales-of-the-obscure/ Has note on work Not found, but some information about the editor found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject biography Has nature of content Not available Address P. O. Box 1334 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Milwaukee AddressRegion WI EndDate Unknown PostalCode 53201 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2171 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://www.wimsey.com/jmax/index.html Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version www Has identifier for work 122 Has title of work NWHQ Has source consulted no address Has subject art/cultural criticism Has nature of content Partially available EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 1 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2170 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://nyjm.albany.edu/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://nyjm.albany.edu/ Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version listserv ftp gopher print Has hosting institution SUNY Albany Has identifier for work 121 Has title of work New York Journal of Mathematics Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address State University of New York AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Albany AddressRegion NY EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 872 StartDate 1994-04-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2169 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/new-horizons-in-adult-education-and-human-resource-development/journal203803 Has current owner collective agent Commercial publisher Has carrier version email Has hosting institution Sage Has ISSN 1062-3183 Has identifier for work 120 Has title of work New Horizons in Adult Education Has related work of work https://journals.scholarsportal.info/browse/19394225; https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/new-horizons-in-adult-education-and-human-resource-development/journal203803 Has note on work Scholar's Portal displays issues from 1987-2014; Sage Publications is the new publisher but access to issues requires paid subsription Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address Adult Education Program 350 Huntington Hall AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Syracuse AddressRegion NY EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 281 PostalCode 13244-2340 StartDate 1987-08-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2168 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email Has identifier for work 119 Has title of work Nekuda E-Journal Has note on work Not found Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry Israel EndDate Unknown StartDate 1993-03-03 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2167 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.mtosmt.org/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.mtosmt.org/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version unix based listserver gopher ft Has ISSN 1067-3040 Has identifier for work 118 Has title of work Music Theory Online Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Available Address Harvard University AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Cambridge AddressRegion MA EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 1,124 StartDate 1993-02-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2166 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin infolib.murdoch.edu.au Location - URL https://web.archive.org/web/*/infolib.murdoch.edu.au http://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/MurdochUeJlLaw/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/MurdochUeJlLaw/ Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version gopher ftp Has date of capture of representative expression 1998-01-09 Has hosting institution Murdoch University Has ISSN 1321-8247 Has identifier for work 117 Has title of work Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address P.O. Box 1014 AddressCountry Australia AddressLocality Canning Vale AddressRegion Western Australia EndDate 2011 NumberOfItems 1,105 PostalCode 6155 StartDate 1993-12-22 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2165 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://www.mojones.com/motherjones.html Location - URL https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.mojones.com/motherjones.html https://www.motherjones.com/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.motherjones.com/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version subscription www print Has date of capture of representative expression 1998-12-02 Has identifier for work 116 Has title of work Mother Jones Magazine Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject news publication Has nature of content Available AddressCountry USA EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 2,743 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2164 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://morpo.creighton.edu/morpo/ Location - URL https://florida.academia.edu/DrorAbendDavid/Poems-and-Short-Stories Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version www gopher ftp bbs email Has identifier for work 115 Has title of work Morpo Review Has related work of work https://web.archive.org/web/20180501000000; /http://morpo.com/ Has note on work Two issues found at academia.edu. Another original website was found but URL is not functional, but content was found in Wayback; Issues displayed, but inaccesible. Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject literary publication Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Omaha AddressRegion NE EndDate 2006-11-12 NumberOfItems 14 StartDate 1994-01-15 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2163 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://borg.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/MODAL/modal.html Location - URL https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://borg.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/MODAL/modal.html https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/MODAL/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/MODAL/ Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version listserv print Has date of capture of representative expression 1996-10-18 Has hosting institution Virginia Tech Has ISSN 1066-0763 Has identifier for work 114 Has title of work Modal Analysis ;The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address Scholarly Communications Project University Libraries Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University P.O. Box 90001 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Blacksburg AddressRegion VA EndDate 1993-01-01 NumberOfItems 124 PostalCode 24062-9001 StartDate 1993 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2162 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://web.mit.edu/e-club/Archive/JIR/mini_air_jun94 https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://web.mit.edu/e-club/Archive/JIR/mini_air_jun94 Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version listserv Has hosting institution MIT Has ISSN 1072-7159 Has identifier for work 113 Has title of work Mini-Journal of Irreproducible Results Has related work of work http://web.mit.edu/e-club/Archive/JIR/mini_jir_sample_24feb94; http://web.mit.edu/e-club/Archive/JIR/mini_jir_mch94; http://web.mit.edu/e-club/Archive/JIR/mini_jir_apr94 ; Has note on work only four issues found via Google Search Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject comedy Has nature of content Partially available Address MIT AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Cambridge AddressRegion MA EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 1 StartDate 1993-11-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2161 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version ftp email Has identifier for work 112 Has title of work MIKinations Has note on work Not found Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject news publication Has nature of content Not available Address 112 Terry Street AddressCountry Australia AddressLocality Connells Point AddressRegion New South Wales EndDate Unknown PostalCode 2221 StartDate 1994-01-12 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2160 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://netcom.com/pub/mlinksva/meta.html Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version ftp www email Has identifier for work 111 Has title of work Meta Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry USA AddressRegion CA EndDate Unknown StartDate 1993-11-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2159 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://sites.google.com/site/mendeledervaylik/volume-archives?pli=1 https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://sites.google.com/site/mendeledervaylik/volume-archives?pli=1 Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version listserv ftp gopher Has identifier for work 110 Has title of work Mendele Has related work of work https://web.archive.org/web/20100601000000*/http://shakti.trincoll.edu/~mendele/ Has note on work Current website requires requesting access via Google. Relevant source found via Wikipedia, only works on Wayback. Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject literary publication Has nature of content Available AddressCountry USA EndDate 2016-2017 NumberOfItems 6 StartDate 1991-02-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2158 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://www.wimsey.com/anima/MediaWest Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version www snail mail print Has identifier for work 109 Has title of work Media West Magazine Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available Address MW Publishing Inc. #300-1497 Marine Drive AddressCountry Canada AddressLocality West Vancouver AddressRegion British Columbia EndDate Unknown PostalCode VZT 1B8 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2157 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email telnet gopher Has ISSN 1058-692X Has identifier for work 108 Has title of work MeckJournal Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject news publication Has nature of content Not available Address Mecklermedia Corporation 11 Ferry Lane West AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Westport AddressRegion CT EndDate Unknown NumberOfItems 1 PostalCode 6880 StartDate 1991-09-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2156 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://serials.infomotions.com/mcj/mcj-v04n01.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://serials.infomotions.com/mcj/mcj-v04n01.html Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv gopher ftp Has ISSN 1069-6792 Has identifier for work 107 Has title of work MC Journal : The Journal of Academic Media Librarianship Has related work of work http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue/5/academic-media/ Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Not available Address Media Resources Center, Health Sciences Library Abbott Hall University at Buffalo 3435 Main Street AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Buffalo AddressRegion NY EndDate 2002 NumberOfItems 352 PostalCode 14214-3002 StartDate 1993-04-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2155 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email ftp hardcopy print Has identifier for work 106 Has title of work Matrix Maps Quarterly Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject computer science Has nature of content Not available Address 1106 Clayton Lane ,Suite 500W AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Austin AddressRegion TX EndDate 1997 NumberOfItems 1 PostalCode 78723 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2154 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://ifcss.org:8001/index.html Location - URL http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/packages/ccic/cnd/InfoBase/HR1915/immigrate-canada/immigrat-to-canada-24 https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/packages/ccic/cnd/InfoBase/HR1915/immigrate-canada/immigrat-to-canada-24 Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email ftp www print Has hosting institution ibiblio Has ISSN 1195-1435 Has identifier for work 105 Has title of work LYTX (Lian / Yi \ Tong- Xun ) Has note on work Last published issue not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Partially available AddressCountry Canada EndDate Unknown -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2153 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version ftp Has identifier for work 104 Has title of work LSD-50 Has related work of work https://www.stg.brown.edu/conferences/TP21CL/bios.html; https://www.nytimes.com/1993/08/29/books/hyperfiction-and-hypertext-is-only-the-beginning-watch-out.html Has note on work Only one issue was published; not found; little info available Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject personal zine Has nature of content Not available Address Box 1852 Brown AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Providence AddressRegion RI EndDate 1993-04-16 PostalCode 2912 StartDate 1993-04-16 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2152 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://textfiles.com/magazines/LNOIZ/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://textfiles.com/magazines/LNOIZ/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email Has hosting institution textfiles.com Has identifier for work 103 Has title of work Line Noiz Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject science fiction Has nature of content Available Address 248 Grandview Rd AddressCountry Canada AddressLocality Nepean AddressRegion Ontario EndDate 1995-01-30 PostalCode K2H 8A9 StartDate 1993-01-11 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2151 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.libres-ejournal.info/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.libres-ejournal.info/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version listserv ftp gopher Has ISSN 1058-6768 Has identifier for work 102 Has title of work LIBRES Has related work of work https://www.linkedin.com/in/dianekovacs Has note on work Former editor-in-chief currently works as a lecturer at SJSU Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address Kent State University AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Kent AddressRegion OH EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 387 StartDate 1991-04-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2150 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://leonardo.info/leonardo-electronic-almanac https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://leonardo.info/leonardo-electronic-almanac Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version email Has hosting institution Arizona State University Has identifier for work 101 Has title of work Leonardo Electronic Almanac Has related work of work https://web.archive.org/web/20120401000000; /http://www.leoalmanac.org/category/archive/old-issues/ Has note on work Hyperlink in the current website to the 1993-2008 issues is not functional, but can be accessed through the Wayback Machine Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address MIT AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Cambridge AddressRegion MA EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 1,042 StartDate 1993-09-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2149 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.lpbr.net/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.lpbr.net/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version listserv gopher print Has ISSN 1062-7421 Has identifier for work 100 Has title of work Law and Politics Book Review Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address Department of Political Science Northwestern University AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Evanston AddressRegion IL EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 212 PostalCode 60208 StartDate 1990-03-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2148 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.textfiles.com/fun/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.textfiles.com/fun/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version print Has hosting institution textfiles.com Has identifier for work 99 Has title of work Kibble Has source consulted no address Has subject personal zine Has nature of content Partially available StartDate 1994-03-14 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2147 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin gopher://wings.buffalo.edu:70/00/academic /department /anthropology/jwa / Location - URL https://thejournalofworldanthropology.wordpress.com/category/articles/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://thejournalofworldanthropology.wordpress.com/category/articles/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version listserv gopher ftp print Has ISSN 1075-2579 Has identifier for work 98 Has title of work Journal of World Anthropology Has related work of work http://wings.buffalo.edu/research/anthrogis/JWA/ Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Partially available Address Journal of World Anthropology Anthropology Department 380 MFAC,University at Buffalo AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Amherst AddressRegion NY NumberOfItems 139 PostalCode 14261-0005 StartDate 1994-04-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2146 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version ftp gopher print Has identifier for work 97 Has title of work Journal of Undergraduate Research Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Not available Address Campus Box 2146 Elon College AddressCountry USA AddressRegion NC PostalCode 27244 StartDate 1993-05-15 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2145 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://borg.lib.vt.edu:80/z-borg/www/ejounals/jiahr.issues.html Location - URL https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JIAHR/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JIAHR/ Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version listserv ftp wais print Has hosting institution Virginia Tech Has ISSN 1052-6099 Has identifier for work 96 Has title of work Journal of the International Academy of Hospitality Research Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address Scholarly Communications Project University Libraries Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University P.O. Box 90001 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Blacksburg AddressRegion VA EndDate 1998 NumberOfItems 172 PostalCode 24062-9001 StartDate 1990-11-26 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2144 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://borg.lib.vt.edu:80/2-borg/www/ejournals/JTE/jte.html Location - URL https://jte-journal.org/issue/archive https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://jte-journal.org/issue/archive Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version listserv ftp wais gopher www print Has ISSN 1045-1064 Has identifier for work 95 Has title of work Journal of Technology Education Has related work of work https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JTE/ Has note on work gopher://borg.lib.vt.edu:70/11/jte Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address 144 Smyth Hall Virginia Tech AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Blacksburg AddressRegion VA EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 542 PostalCode 24061-0432 StartDate 1989-10-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2143 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin gopher://jse.stat.ncsu.edu Location - URL https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ujse21 https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ujse21 Has current owner collective agent Commercial publisher Has carrier version email listserv gopher ftp print Has date of capture of representative expression 1996-12-31 Has ISSN 1069-1898 Has identifier for work 94 Has title of work Journal of Statistics Education Has related work of work https://jse.amstat.org/toc.html#1993 Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address Department of Statistics ,Box 8203 North Carolina State University AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Raliegh AddressRegion NC EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 767 PostalCode 27695-8203 StartDate 1993-07-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2142 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://journals.librarypublishing.arizona.edu/jpe/issues/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://journals.librarypublishing.arizona.edu/jpe/issues/ Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version gopher ftp email print Has hosting institution University of Arizona Has ISSN 1073-0451 Has identifier for work 93 Has title of work Journal of Political Ecology Has note on work Department of Anthropology University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address B.A.R.A. University of Arizona AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Tucson AddressRegion AZ EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 385 PostalCode 85721 StartDate 1994-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2141 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin gopher://borg.lib.vt.edu:70/11/jfe Location - URL https://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/fluidsengineering/issue/browse-by-year https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/fluidsengineering/issue/browse-by-year Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version ftp print Has ISSN 0098-2202 Has identifier for work 92 Has title of work Journal of Fluids Engineering Has note on work Department ofEngineering Science and Mechanics 0219 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg ,VA 24062 Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address Scholarly Communications Project University Libraries Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University P.O. Box 90001 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Blacksburg AddressRegion VA EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 639 PostalCode 24062-9001 StartDate 1992-12-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2140 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version print Has identifier for work 91 Has title of work Journal of Financial Abstracts Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Not available Address Financial Economics Network 1405 Officers Row AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Vancouver AddressRegion WA PostalCode 98661-3858 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2139 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin xalmanac-://joe.ext.vt.edu/send/joe Location - URL https://tigerprints.clemson.edu/joe/all_issues.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://tigerprints.clemson.edu/joe/all_issues.html Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email gopher www Has ISSN 0022-0140 Has identifier for work 90 Has title of work Journal of Extension Has related work of work gopher ://joe.ext.vt.edu/joe http://joe .ext.vt.edu/joe/ Has note on work https://archives.joe.org/journal-archive.php Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Not available Address 233 Smyth Hall AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Blacksburg AddressRegion VA EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 416 PostalCode 24061-7880 StartDate 1992-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2138 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin gopher//p.gp.cs.cmu.edu/ Location - URL https://www.jair.org/index.php/jair/issue/archive https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.jair.org/index.php/jair/issue/archive Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version gopher www usenet ftp email http (soon ) print Has identifier for work 89 Has title of work Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address NASA Ames Research Center Mail Stop 269-2 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Moffett Field AddressRegion CA EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 518 PostalCode 94035-1000 StartDate 1993-08-27 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2137 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/JAUC/.windex.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/JAUC/.windex.html Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email ftp print Has hosting institution textfiles.com Has ISSN 1074-3111 Has identifier for work 88 Has title of work Journal of American Underground Computing Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address 10111 N. Lamar #25 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Austin AddressRegion TX EndDate 1995 NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 78753 StartDate 1994-03-20 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2136 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv listproc gopher ftp print Has identifier for work 87 Has title of work Jewish Studies Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Not available Address OISE University of Toronto 38 Avenal Drive AddressCountry Canada AddressLocality Toronto AddressRegion Ontario PostalCode M6C 114 StartDate 1993-05-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2135 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://journals.library.ualberta.ca/istl/index.php/istl/issue/archive https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://journals.library.ualberta.ca/istl/index.php/istl/issue/archive Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version email Has hosting institution University of Alberta Has identifier for work 86 Has title of work Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address Centennial Science and Engineering Library University of New Mexico AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Albuquerque AddressRegion NM EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 315 PostalCode 87112 StartDate 1991-12-12 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2134 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv Has ISSN 1183-9937 Has identifier for work 85 Has title of work IOUDAIOS Review Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Not available Address Wilfrid Laurier University Regent's Park College University of Oxford AddressCountry England NumberOfItems 68 StartDate 1991-08-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2133 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin file://network.ucsd.edu/intertext/other formats /HTML /ITtoc.html Location - URL http://intertext.com/magazine/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://intertext.com/magazine/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email gopher ftp www Has date of capture of representative expression FALSE Has ISSN 1071-7676 Has identifier for work 84 Has title of work Intertext Has related work of work http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/INTERTEXT/.windex.html Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject science fiction Has nature of content Available Address 21645 Parrotts Ferry Road AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Sonora AddressRegion CA EndDate 2004 NumberOfItems 21 PostalCode 95370 StartDate 1991-03-15 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2132 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.learntechlib.org/j/ISSN-1064-4326/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.learntechlib.org/j/ISSN-1064-4326/ Has current owner collective agent Coordinated preservation effort Has carrier version listserv ftp gopher print Has hosting institution LearnTechLib Has ISSN 1064-4326 Has identifier for work 83 Has title of work Interpersonal Computing and Technology: An Electronic Journal for the 21st Century Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Partially available Address Academic Computing Center Georgetown University 238 Reiss Science Building AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Washington, DC EndDate 1999 NumberOfItems 135 PostalCode 20057 StartDate 1993-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2131 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version gopher and mail print Has ISSN 1192-8646 Has identifier for work 82 Has title of work Internet Business Journal Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available Address Strangelove Internet Enterprises Inc. 208 Somerset Street East,Suite A AddressCountry Canada AddressLocality Ottawa AddressRegion Ontario NumberOfItems 41 PostalCode KIN 6V2 StartDate 1993-05-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2130 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version print Has ISSN 1195-9622 Has identifier for work 81 Has title of work Internet Advertising Review Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Not available Address Strangelove Internet Enterprises Subscription Manager ,208 Somerset Street East ,Suite A AddressCountry Canada AddressLocality Ottawa AddressRegion Ontario NumberOfItems 1 PostalCode KIN 6V2 StartDate 1993-12-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2129 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version ftp move into your own world wide web and view as hypertext Has identifier for work 80 Has title of work Internaut Has source consulted no address Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Not available EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 0 StartDate 1994-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2128 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://www.wimsey.com/ Location - URL https://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/202/300/intl_teletimes/index.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/202/300/intl_teletimes/index.html Has current owner collective agent National library Has carrier version email (?) print Has hosting institution Library and Archives Canada Has identifier for work 79 Has title of work International Teletimes Has related work of work http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/TELETIMES/ Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Partially available Address 3938 W. 30th Avenue AddressCountry Canada AddressLocality Vancouver AddressRegion British Columbia EndDate 1995 NumberOfItems 2 PostalCode V6S 1X3 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2127 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin ftp://Phil-Preprints.L.Chiba-u.ac.jp/pub Location - URL https://ojs.uwindsor.ca/index.php/informal_logic/article/view/2473 Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version gopher ftp www email print Has hosting institution University of Windsor Has identifier for work 78 Has title of work International Philosophical Preprint Exchange Has related work of work https://doaj.org/article/a31af2d598c74427a2de6d5413437e1a Has note on work IPPE, c /o Syun Tutiya Department of Philosophy Faculty of Letters Chiba University 1-33 Yayoi-cho Inage -ku, Chiba 263 JAPAN Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Partially available Address IPPE Department of Philosophy York University 4700 Keele Street AddressCountry Canada AddressLocality Toronto AddressRegion Ontario EndDate 1993 NumberOfItems 341 PostalCode M3J 1P3 StartDate 1993-01-09 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2126 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/202/300/intjourconted/index.html Has current owner collective agent National library Has carrier version subscription print Has hosting institution Library and Archives Canada Has ISSN 1198-3213 Has identifier for work 77 Has title of work International Journal of Continuing Education Practice Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Partially available Address University Extension University of Regina AddressCountry Canada AddressLocality Regina AddressRegion Saskatchewan EndDate 1995 NumberOfItems 1 StartDate 1994-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2125 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/INTERFACE/.windex.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/INTERFACE/.windex.html Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email gopher ftp print Has hosting institution textfiles.com Has identifier for work 76 Has title of work Inter/face Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Partially available Address University at Albany, SUNY HUB16, CELLAR AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Albany AddressRegion NY EndDate 1995 NumberOfItems 19 PostalCode 12222 StartDate 1992-10-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2124 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://itd.athenpro.org/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://itd.athenpro.org/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version listserv gopher print Has ISSN 1073-5127 Has identifier for work 75 Has title of work Information Technology and Disabilities Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address Bobst Library, New York University 70 Washington Square South AddressCountry USA AddressLocality New York AddressRegion NY EndDate 2014 NumberOfItems 616 PostalCode 10012 StartDate 1994-01-15 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2123 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://www.law.indiana.edu/glsj/glsj.html Location - URL https://ijgls.indiana.edu/articles/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://ijgls.indiana.edu/articles/ Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version www print Has date of capture of representative expression 1997-06-13 Has hosting institution University of Indiana Has identifier for work 74 Has title of work Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available AddressCountry USA EndDate 2022 NumberOfItems 1,646 StartDate 1993-10-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2122 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/ICS/.windex.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/ICS/.windex.html Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email Has hosting institution textfiles.com Has identifier for work 73 Has title of work ICS Electrozine: Information,Control,Supply Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject personal zine Has nature of content Available Address c/o Modern Languages Dept. Western State College of Colorado AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Gunnison AddressRegion CO PostalCode 81231 StartDate 1993-01-29 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2121 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://htomc.dns2go.com/htomc/archive.htm https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://htomc.dns2go.com/htomc/archive.htm Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email ftp usenet gopher print Has identifier for work 72 Has title of work Holy Temple of Mass Consumption Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject personal zine Has nature of content WB Only Address PO BOX 30904 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Raleigh AddressRegion NC NumberOfItems 2 PostalCode 27622-0904 StartDate 1990-08-30 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2120 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version usenet ftp print Has identifier for work 71 Has title of work High Weirdness by Email Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject personal zine Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry USA StartDate 1992-11-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2119 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://web.textfiles.com/ezines/MISC/hirez1.txt https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://web.textfiles.com/ezines/MISC/hirez1.txt Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version print Has hosting institution textfiles.com Has identifier for work 70 Has title of work Hi-Rez Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject personal zine Has nature of content Partially available AddressCountry USA -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2118 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email listserv gopher ftp print Has identifier for work 69 Has title of work Grochz Kapusta Has note on work Not found Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject political publication Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry USA EndDate Currently published StartDate 1992-09-20 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2117 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.thing.net/~grist/golpub/golmag/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.thing.net/~grist/golpub/golmag/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email subscriptions ftp gopher print Has hosting institution The Thing Has ISSN 1072-799X Has identifier for work 68 Has title of work Grist On -line Has related work of work https://www.thing.net/~grist/ https://www.thing.net/~grist/golpub/golmag/gol2.txt Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Partially available Address GRIST On -Line P.O. Box 20805 Columbus Circle Station AddressCountry USA AddressLocality New York AddressRegion NY EndDate 2002 NumberOfItems 4 PostalCode 10023-1496 StartDate 1993-10-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2116 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.africa.upenn.edu/Global_Comm/About_Global_11698.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.africa.upenn.edu/Global_Comm/About_Global_11698.html Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv ftp print Has identifier for work 67 Has title of work GNET ;Global Networking Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry USA StartDate 1993-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2115 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://gnn.com/ Location - URL https://www.oreilly.com/gnn/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.oreilly.com/gnn/ Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version subscription Has date of capture of representative expression 1996-10-20 Has identifier for work 66 Has title of work Global Network Navigator Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Not available Address O'Reilly &Associates, Inc. 90 Sherman St. AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Cambridge AddressRegion MA NumberOfItems 2 PostalCode 2140 StartDate 1993-10-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2114 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://sunsite.unc.edu/martin/gonzo.html Location - URL https://web.archive.org/web/19970212062347/http:/sunsite.unc.edu/martin/gonzo.html Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version www Has date of capture of representative expression 1996-12-25 Has identifier for work 65 Has title of work Georgetown Gonzo Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject art/cultural criticism Has nature of content WB Only Address Box 3230 Georgetown University AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Washington, D.C EndDate 1995 PostalCode 20057-3230 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2113 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/academic/religious_studies/Buddhism/DEFA/Journals/Gassho/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/academic/religious_studies/Buddhism/DEFA/Journals/Gassho/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email gopher ftp ftpmail www bbs postal service print Has hosting institution ibiblio Has ISSN 1072-2971 Has identifier for work 64 Has title of work GASSHO Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address P. O. Box 4951 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Berkeley AddressRegion CA EndDate 1994 NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 94704-4951 StartDate 1993-11-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2112 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/FUNHOUSE/.windex.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/FUNHOUSE/.windex.html Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email gopher ftp print Has hosting institution textfiles.com Has identifier for work 63 Has title of work Funhouse ! The Cyberzine of Degenerate Pop Culture Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject personal zine Has nature of content Available AddressCountry USA EndDate 1994 StartDate 1993-03-22 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2111 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/FROGFARM/.windex.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/FROGFARM/.windex.html Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email ftp gopher print Has hosting institution textfiles.com Has identifier for work 62 Has title of work Frog Farm Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject political publication Has nature of content Available AddressCountry USA EndDate 1993 StartDate 1993-04-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2110 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.mobot.org/plantscience/ResBot/FO/FloraOnline.htm https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.mobot.org/plantscience/ResBot/FO/FloraOnline.htm Has current owner collective agent Coordinated preservation effort Has carrier version ftp bbs gopher diskette print Has hosting institution Missouri Botanical Garden Has ISSN 0892-9106 Has identifier for work 61 Has title of work Flora Online Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Partially available Address Clinton Herbarium Buffalo Museum of Science 1020 Humboldt Parkway AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Buffalo AddressRegion NY EndDate 1993 NumberOfItems 19 PostalCode 14211 StartDate 1987-01-12 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2109 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/FINGALS/.windex.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/FINGALS/.windex.html Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version ftp gopher usenet print Has hosting institution textfiles.com Has identifier for work 60 Has title of work Fingals Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject personal zine Has nature of content Partially available AddressCountry USA EndDate 1994 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2108 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://www.law.cornell.edu/nasdaq Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version www print Has date of capture of representative expression 1998-12-05 Has identifier for work 59 Has title of work Financial Executive Journal Has related work of work https://www.law.cornell.edu/nasdaq/nasdtoc.html Has note on work Not found Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry USA NumberOfItems 0 StartDate 1993-07-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2107 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://www.law.indiana.edu/fclj/fclj.html Location - URL http://www.fclj.org/archives/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.fclj.org/archives/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version www print Has date of capture of representative expression 1997-06-13 Has identifier for work 58 Has title of work Federal Communications Law Journal Has related work of work https://www.repository.law.indiana.edu/fclj/all_issues.html https://heinonline.org/HOL/Index?index=journals/fedcom&collection=journals Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address Indiana University School of Law 201 South Indiana Avenue AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Bloomington AddressRegion 47405 EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 1,492 PostalCode IN -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2106 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.nic.funet.fi/index/culture/music/EthnoMusicology/Digest/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.nic.funet.fi/index/culture/music/EthnoMusicology/Digest/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version listserv gopher ftp print Has hosting institution NIC.FUNET.FI Has ISSN 1054-1624 Has identifier for work 57 Has title of work Ethnomusicology Research Digest Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject popular music Has nature of content Partially available AddressCountry USA EndDate 1993 NumberOfItems 9 StartDate 1989-12-20 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2105 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version gopher via balzac discussion list print Has identifier for work 56 Has title of work Erofile Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject art/cultural criticism Has nature of content Not available Address Bates College AddressCountry USA NumberOfItems 1 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2104 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version econet conferences: bitl.grnsch climate.news listserv email Has identifier for work 55 Has title of work Energy Ideas Has note on work Not found Has source consulted no address Has subject tech publication Has nature of content Not available StartDate 1992-07-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2103 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email ftp print Has identifier for work 54 Has title of work End Process Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Not available Address 9018 Westridge Drive AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Omaha AddressRegion NE PostalCode 68124 StartDate 1993-03-15 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2102 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email bbs postal service print Has identifier for work 53 Has title of work Emergency Management Planning Newsletter Has related work of work Society for Computer Simulation P.O. Box 17900 San Diego, CA 92177 Has note on work Not found Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Not available Address 4410 19th Avenue AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Kenosha AddressRegion WA PostalCode 53140 StartDate 1993-10-17 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2101 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://etna.mcs.kent.edu Location - URL https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://etna.mcs.kent.edu https://etna.math.kent.edu/volumes/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://etna.math.kent.edu/volumes/ Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version gopher: etna.mcs.kent.edu ftp: etna.mcs.kent.edu email: mailer@etna.mcs.kent.edu mosaic (march 1994 ): http://etna.mcs.kent.edu print Has date of capture of representative expression 1996-11-15 Has hosting institution Kent State University Has ISSN 1068-9613 Has identifier for work 52 Has title of work Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address ETNA Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Kent State University AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Kent AddressRegion OH EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 711 StartDate 1993-09-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2100 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://digital-library.theiet.org/content/journals/el/58/25;jsessionid=7g7pqf5kchw4.x-iet-live-01 Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version internet direct dial oclc communications network or compuserve network (note: the network not the service) print Has ISSN 1350-911X Has identifier for work 51 Has title of work Electronic Letters Online Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address The Institution of Electrical Engineers Michael Faraday House Six Hills Way AddressCountry England AddressLocality Stevenage AddressRegion Herts EndDate 2022 NumberOfItems 1,323 PostalCode SG1 2AY -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2099 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://chara.gsu.edu/asa.html Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version frp gopher usenet bbs www Has date of capture of representative expression 1999-04-29 Has identifier for work 50 Has title of work Electronic Journal of the Astronomical Society of the Atlantic (EJASA) Has related work of work https://newtotse.com/oldtotse/en/ego/on_line_zines/ejlist.html / http://www.coseti.org/pdf/ejasa306.pdf / http://www.coseti.org/osetimap.htm / https://www.africa.upenn.edu/Acad_Research/ej_asa.html Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Not available Address c/o Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA ) Georgia State University AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Atlanta AddressRegion GA NumberOfItems 4 PostalCode 30303 StartDate 1989-08-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2098 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version mailbase system print Has ISSN 0960-7977 Has identifier for work 49 Has title of work Electronic Journal of Strategic Information Systems Has related work of work https://iceb.johogo.com/Journal-Frame.htm Has note on work Not found Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Not available Address 211 Portobello Street Regents Court -Room 315 The University of Sheffield Information Studies Department AddressCountry England AddressLocality Sheffield PostalCode S10 2UH StartDate 1994-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2097 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/202/300/ejofsociology/index.html Has current owner collective agent National library Has carrier version listserv ftp print Has hosting institution Library and Archives Canada Has ISSN 1198-3655 Has identifier for work 48 Has title of work Electronic Journal of Sociology Has related work of work https://sociology.lightningpath.org/ejs-archives/ Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address Dept. of Sociology University of Alberta AddressCountry Canada AddressLocality Edmonton AddressRegion Alberta EndDate 2008 NumberOfItems 592 PostalCode TOG 2H4 StartDate 1994-07-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2096 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin //ejde.math.unt.edu/ejde Location - URL https://ejde.math.txstate.edu/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://ejde.math.txstate.edu/ Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version ftp gopher telnet email print Has date of capture of representative expression 2006-09-19 Has hosting institution Texas State University Has ISSN 1072-6691 Has identifier for work 47 Has title of work Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE ) Has related work of work //ejde.math.swt.edu /pub /ejde Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address Department of Mathematics University of North Texas AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Denton AddressRegion TX NumberOfItems 1,152 PostalCode 76203-5116 StartDate 1993-08-27 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2095 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://cios.org/www/ejcmain.htm https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://cios.org/www/ejcmain.htm Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email print Has ISSN 1183-5656 Has identifier for work 46 Has title of work Electronic Journal of Communication/ LaRevue Electronique decommunication (EJC REC / Has related work of work https://ejcojs.cios.org/index.php/ejc/information/readers Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address Department of Language, Literature & Communication Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Troy AddressRegion NY EndDate 2019 NumberOfItems 92 PostalCode 12180 StartDate 1990-09-21 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2094 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://ejc.math.gatech.edu:8080/Journal/journalhome.html Location - URL https://www.combinatorics.org/ojs/index.php/eljc/issue/archive https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.combinatorics.org/ojs/index.php/eljc/issue/archive Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version www email print Has identifier for work 45 Has title of work Electronic Journal of Combinatorics Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address School of Mathematics Georgia Institute of Technology AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Atlanta AddressRegion GA NumberOfItems 399 PostalCode 30332-0160 StartDate 1994-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2093 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://ejap@phil.indiana.edu Location - URL https://ejap.louisiana.edu/archives.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://ejap.louisiana.edu/archives.html Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version email gopher ftp mosiac print Has date of capture of representative expression 1997-10-08 Has hosting institution University of Louiisiana, Lafayette Has ISSN 1071-5800 Has identifier for work 44 Has title of work Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address Department of Philosophy 026 Sycamore Hall Indiana University AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Bloomington AddressRegion IN EndDate 2002 NumberOfItems 218 PostalCode 47405 StartDate 1993-08-24 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2092 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/ElAnt/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/ElAnt/ Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version email subscription print Has hosting institution Virginia Tech Has ISSN 1320-3606 Has identifier for work 43 Has title of work Electronic Antiquity ;Communicating the Classics Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address Department of Classics University of Tasmania AddressCountry Australia AddressLocality Hobart AddressRegion Tasmania EndDate 2012 NumberOfItems 326 PostalCode 7001 StartDate 1993-06-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2091 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://people.ucalgary.ca/~ejournal/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://people.ucalgary.ca/~ejournal/ Has current owner collective agent University personal webpage Has carrier version listserv print Has ISSN 1054-1053 Has identifier for work 42 Has title of work EJOURNAL Has related work of work http://textfiles.com/magazines/EJOURNAL/ Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject tech publication Has nature of content WB Only AddressCountry USA EndDate 2001 StartDate 1991-03-15 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2090 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://www.eff.org/effectors/effectors.html Location - URL https://www.eff.org/effector https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.eff.org/effector Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email ftp usenet gopher wais www commercial services print Has date of capture of representative expression 1999-04-27 Has ISSN 1062-9424 Has identifier for work 41 Has title of work EFFector Online (The Electronic Frontier Foundation , Inc.) Has related work of work http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/EFF/.windex.html Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject advocacy publication Has nature of content Available Address Electronic Frontier Foundation 1001 GStreet NW ,Suite 950 East AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Washington, D.C. NumberOfItems 91 PostalCode 20001 StartDate 1990-12-10 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2089 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://educom.edu/.index.html Location - URL https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://educom.edu/.index.html https://library.educause.edu/search#?publicationandcollection_search=Educom%20Review%20(Archives) https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://library.educause.edu/search#?publicationandcollection_search=Educom%20Review%20(Archives) Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version gopher ftp www print Has date of capture of representative expression 1997-06-06 Has ISSN 1045-9146 Has identifier for work 40 Has title of work EDUCOM Review Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address 1290 Oxford Road AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Atlanta AddressRegion GA NumberOfItems 1,461 PostalCode 30306 StartDate 1989-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2088 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin ftp://decel.ecel.uwa.edu.au/gopher/data/archives/education/erp Location - URL https://www.erpjournal.net/articles https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.erpjournal.net/articles Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version ftp gopher print Has ISSN 0311-25433 Has identifier for work 39 Has title of work Education Research & Perspectives Has related work of work https://onesearch.library.uwa.edu.au/discovery/fulldisplay?vid=61UWA_INST:UWA&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&tab=Everything&docid=alma99463958202101&lang=en&context=L Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address Graduate School of Education The University of Western Australia AddressCountry Australia AddressLocality Nedlands AddressRegion Western Australia EndDate 2022 NumberOfItems 789 PostalCode 6009 StartDate 1992-12-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2087 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://epaa.asu.edu/index.php/epaa/issue/archive https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://epaa.asu.edu/index.php/epaa/issue/archive Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version listserv gopher print Has hosting institution Arizona State University Has ISSN 1068-2341 Has identifier for work 38 Has title of work Education Policy Analysis Archives Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address College of Education Arizona State University AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Tempe AddressRegion AZ EndDate 2022 NumberOfItems 783 PostalCode 85287-2411 StartDate 1993-01-19 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2086 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email bbs gopher print Has identifier for work 37 Has title of work Drain e-Zine Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject personal zine Has nature of content Not available AddressCountry USA -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2085 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.askgar.com/haiku/hkuframe.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.askgar.com/haiku/hkuframe.html Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email print Has intended audience of representative expression Peer reviewed Has identifier for work 36 Has title of work Dogwood Blossoms Has related work of work https://thehaikufoundation.org/omeka/items/show/1250 Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject art/cultural criticism Has nature of content Not available Address 2057 FHacienda Ct AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Hoover AddressRegion AL PostalCode 35216 StartDate 1993-06-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2084 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://www.digital.com/pub/Digital/info/html/DTJ/home.html Location - URL http://www.dtjcd.vmsresource.org.uk/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.dtjcd.vmsresource.org.uk/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version ftp www print Has intended audience of representative expression Peer reviewed Has hosting institution VMSresource.org.uk Has identifier for work 35 Has title of work Digital Technical Journal Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address 529 Bryant AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Palo Alto AddressRegion CA EndDate 1998 NumberOfItems 149 PostalCode 94301 StartDate 1993-06-29 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2083 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.didaskalia.net/issues/journalindex.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.didaskalia.net/issues/journalindex.html Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version ftp gopher print Has intended audience of representative expression Not peer reviewed Has ISSN 1321-4853 Has identifier for work 34 Has title of work Didaskalia: Ancient Theater Today Has related work of work Department of Classics ,University of Tasmania Hobart ,Tasmania 7001 Australia Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject art/cultural criticism Has nature of content Available Address Department of Classical Studies 2016 Angell Hall University of Michigan AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Ann Arbor AddressRegion MI EndDate 2021 NumberOfItems 376 PostalCode 48109-1003 StartDate 1994-03-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2082 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://www.omnigroup.com/Depth Probe/index /home.html Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version www Has intended audience of representative expression Not peer reviewed Has date of capture of representative expression 4/22/1999 Has identifier for work 33 Has title of work Depth Probe Has source consulted no address Has subject art/cultural criticism Has nature of content Not available -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2081 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email originates from the america online computer network print Has intended audience of representative expression Not peer reviewed Has identifier for work 32 Has title of work Dateline: Starfleet Has related work of work https://newtotse.com/oldtotse/en/ego/science_fiction/index.html Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject science fiction Has nature of content Not available Address 753 Rively Ave. AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Glenolden AddressRegion PA PostalCode 19036-1118 StartDate 1990-07-25 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2080 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://dargonzine.org/archive/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://dargonzine.org/archive/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email ftp print Has intended audience of representative expression Not peer reviewed Has identifier for work 31 Has title of work DargonZine Has related work of work http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/DARGONZINE/.windex.html Has source consulted no address Has subject science fiction Has nature of content Available EndDate 2021 NumberOfItems 44 StartDate 1988-11-08 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2079 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/CV/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/CV/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version email ftp newsgroup print Has intended audience of representative expression Not peer reviewed Has hosting institution textfiles.com Has identifier for work 30 Has title of work Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine :News and Views of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Universe Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject science fiction Has nature of content Available Address P.O. Box 25704 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Garfield Heights AddressRegion OH EndDate 1995 PostalCode 44125 StartDate 1993-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2078 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://textfiles.com/groups/CDC/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://textfiles.com/groups/CDC/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version bbs ftp email Has intended audience of representative expression Not peer reviewed Has hosting institution textfiles.com Has identifier for work 29 Has title of work Cult of the Dead Cow Has source consulted manual - Google Maps from assigned location Has subject art/cultural criticism Has nature of content Available AddressCountry USA EndDate 2000 StartDate 1987-04-15 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2077 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://english-server.hss.edu/ctheory/ctheory.html Location - URL https://journals.uvic.ca/index.php/ctheory/issue/archive https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://journals.uvic.ca/index.php/ctheory/issue/archive Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version listerv www print Has intended audience of representative expression Not peer reviewed Has hosting institution University of Victoria Has ISSN 0380-9420 Has identifier for work 28 Has title of work CTHEORY /Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address 1455 de Maisonneuve O. AddressCountry Canada AddressLocality Montreal AddressRegion Quebec EndDate 2017 NumberOfItems 89 PostalCode H3G 1M8 StartDate 1993-09-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2076 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/202/300/cropduster/index.html Has current owner collective agent National library Has carrier version email usenet gopher ftp Has intended audience of representative expression Not peer reviewed Has hosting institution Library and Archives Canada Has identifier for work 27 Has title of work Cropduster Has related work of work https://library.artstor.org/#/search/cropduster;page=1;size=48 http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/CROPDUSTER/.windex.html Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject art/cultural criticism Has nature of content Available Address 79 O'Hara Avenue AddressCountry Canada AddressLocality Toronto AddressRegion Ontario EndDate 1999 NumberOfItems 2 PostalCode M6K 2R3 StartDate 1992-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2075 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email ftp gopher wais print Has intended audience of representative expression Not peer reviewed Has ISSN 1062-6697 Has identifier for work 26 Has title of work CORE Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Not available Address P.O. Box 632 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Vienna AddressRegion OH PostalCode 44473 StartDate 1991-08-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2074 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://journals.sagepub.com/loi/CON https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://journals.sagepub.com/loi/CON Has current owner collective agent Commercial publisher Has carrier version print Has intended audience of representative expression Not peer reviewed Has hosting institution Sage Has identifier for work 25 Has title of work Convergence: the New Media Journal Has note on work Subscription access Has source consulted no address Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 757 StartDate 1994-06-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2073 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://life.anu.edu.au:80/ci/ci/html Location - URL https://web.archive.org/web/20150331000848/http://www.complexity.org.au/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version www ftp gopher email print Has intended audience of representative expression Peer reviewed Has ISSN 1320-0682 Has identifier for work 24 Has title of work Complexity International Has related work of work https://webarchive.nla.gov.au/tep/10178 Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject academic journal Has nature of content WB Only Address Computer Science Laboratory Research School of Physical Sciences & Engineering The Australian National University AddressCountry Australia AddressLocality Canberra EndDate 2002 NumberOfItems 91 PostalCode 200 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2072 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv print Has intended audience of representative expression Peer reviewed Has identifier for work 23 Has title of work Communication World Online: PRFORUM discussion (list) Has source consulted ArcGIS Has nature of content Not available Address One Hallidie Plaza #600 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality San Francisco AddressRegion CA PostalCode 94102 StartDate Mid -1993 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2071 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin gopher://marlin.jcu.edu.au:70 Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version print Has intended audience of representative expression Peer reviewed Has ISSN 1321-5752 Has identifier for work 22 Has title of work CLIONET: an Electronic Journal of History Has related work of work https://catalogue.nla.gov.au/Record/323380 Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Not available Address James Cook University of North Queensland P.O. Q4811 AddressCountry Australia AddressLocality Townsville NumberOfItems 6 StartDate 1993-03-28 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2070 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://cjtcs.cs.uchicago.edu/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://cjtcs.cs.uchicago.edu/ Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version subscription print Has intended audience of representative expression Peer reviewed Has hosting institution University of Chicago Has identifier for work 21 Has title of work Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science Has related work of work https://dblp.org/db/journals/cjtcs/index.html https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/CJTCS/cjtcs/ Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address c/o The MIT Press 55Hayward Street AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Cambride AddressRegion MA EndDate 2022 NumberOfItems 165 PostalCode 2138 StartDate 1994-04-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2069 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.edochess.ca/batgirl/CIP_intro.html https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.edochess.ca/batgirl/CIP_intro.html Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version usenet ftp gopher print Has intended audience of representative expression Not peer reviewed Has identifier for work 20 Has title of work Chess in the Press Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject popular music Has nature of content Available Address P.O. Box 591121 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality San Francisco AddressRegion CA PostalCode 94159 StartDate 1993-05-10 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2068 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://chaoscontrol.com/about/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://chaoscontrol.com/about/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version ftp america online full hypercard version - on disk by mail print Has intended audience of representative expression Not peer reviewed Has identifier for work 19 Has title of work Chaos Control Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject popular music Has nature of content Partially available Address 3 Greenville Dr. AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Barrington AddressRegion RI EndDate 2006 NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 2806 StartDate 1993-04-16 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2067 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://borg.lib.vt.edu:80/ejournals/CATALYST/catalyst gopher://borg.lib.vt.edu:70/11/catalyst Location - URL https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/CATALYST/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/CATALYST/ Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version listserv ftp wais hardcopy microfiche microfilm gopher print Has intended audience of representative expression Peer reviewed Has hosting institution Virginia Tech Has ISSN 0739-9227 Has identifier for work 18 Has title of work Catalyst: The Community Services Catalyst Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address Scholarly Communications Project University Libraries Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University P.O. Box 90001 AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Blacksburg AddressRegion VA EndDate 1994 NumberOfItems 262 PostalCode 24062-9001 StartDate 1991-07-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2066 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin gopher://orion.lib.virginia.edu:70 /11/alpha Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv gopher print Has intended audience of representative expression Peer reviewed Has ISSN 1070-9770 Has identifier for work 17 Has title of work Bryn Mawr Reviews Has related work of work Is an umbrella title that comprises at present two ejournals supplying reviews of current scholarly literature in discrete fields of the humanities. Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Not available Address Bryn Mawr Commentaries,Inc. Thomas Library Bryn Mawr College AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Bryn Mawr AddressRegion PA NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode 19010 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2065 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin gopher://orion.lib.virginia.edu : 70 /11 /alpha /bmmr Location - URL https://scholarworks.iu.edu/journals/index.php/tmr/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://scholarworks.iu.edu/journals/index.php/tmr/ Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version listserv gopher Has intended audience of representative expression Peer reviewed Has hosting institution IUB Has ISSN 1070-3616 Has identifier for work 16 Has title of work Bryn Mawr Medieval Review Has related work of work http://serials.infomotions.com/bmmr/ Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address Bryn Mawr Commentaries, Inc. Thomas Library Bryn Mawr College AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Bryn Mawr AddressRegion PA EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 366 PostalCode 19010 StartDate 1993-08-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2064 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin gopher://orion.lib.virginia.edu:70/11/alpha/bmcr Location - URL https://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/ Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version listserv gopher print Has intended audience of representative expression Peer reviewed Has hosting institution Bryn Mawr Has ISSN 1063–2948 Has identifier for work 15 Has title of work Bryn Mawr Classical Review Has related work of work http://serials.infomotions.com/bmcr/ Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address Bryn Mawr Commentaries, Inc. Thomas Library Bryn Mawr College AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Bryn Mawr AddressRegion PA EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 81 PostalCode 19010 StartDate 1990-11-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2063 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin gopher://unix1.sncc.lsu.edu:70/1/.en/body-e/ Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version listserv gopher (soon) www print Has intended audience of representative expression Peer reviewed Has identifier for work 14 Has title of work Body Electric Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Not available Address English Department Louisiana State University AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Baton Rouge AddressRegion LA PostalCode 70803 StartDate 1994-03-18 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2062 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://victoria.tc.ca/Environment/Botany/ben/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://victoria.tc.ca/Environment/Botany/ben/ Has current owner collective agent Community hosting / own site Has carrier version email usenet gopher print Has intended audience of representative expression Not peer reviewed Has hosting institution Victoria Free-Net Association Has ISSN 1188-603X Has identifier for work 13 Has title of work BEN: Botanical Electronic News Has related work of work https://www.ou.edu/cas/botany-micro/ Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address P.O. Box 8546 AddressCountry Canada AddressLocality Victoria AddressRegion British Columbia EndDate Currently published PostalCode V8W 352 StartDate 1991-06-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2061 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin gopher //vixen.cso.uiuc.edu/11/News/ACM http://sleepless.cs.uiuc.edu/banks Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version gopher www print Has intended audience of representative expression Not peer reviewed Has identifier for work 12 Has title of work Banks of the Boneyard Has related work of work https://medium.com/banks-of-the-boneyard/archive Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject student publication Has nature of content Not available Address Association for Computing Machinery (ACM ) at the University of Illinois in Urbana Champaign 1225 DCL, MC -258 1304 W. Springfield AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Urbana AddressRegion IL NumberOfItems 4 PostalCode 61801-2910 StartDate 1992-08-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2060 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://english-server.hss.cmu.edu/BS/BadSubjects.html Location - URL https://web.archive.org/web/20170901022724/http://bad.eserver.org/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email gopher wais ftp www print Has intended audience of representative expression Not peer reviewed Has date of capture of representative expression 1998-12-03 Has identifier for work 11 Has title of work Bad Subjects: Political Education for Everyday Life Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject political publication Has nature of content WB Only Address Department of English 322 Wheeler Hall, University of California, Berkeley AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Berkeley AddressRegion CA EndDate 2017 NumberOfItems 213 PostalCode 94720 StartDate 1993-09-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2059 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://direct.mit.edu/artl https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://direct.mit.edu/artl Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version telnet gopher www ftp print Has intended audience of representative expression Not peer reviewed Has hosting institution MIT Has ISSN 1064-5462 EISSN 1530-9185 Has identifier for work 10 Has title of work Artificial Life Journal Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address MIT Press 55 Hayward Street AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Cambridge AddressRegion MA EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 1,296 PostalCode 2138 StartDate 1994-04-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2058 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version ftp email print Has intended audience of representative expression Not peer reviewed Has identifier for work 9 Has title of work Armadillo Culture Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject popular music Has nature of content Not available Address 2857 Foxmill Rd. AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Herndon AddressRegion VA PostalCode 22071 StartDate 1991-08-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2057 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://issuu.com/randalljaykay https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://issuu.com/randalljaykay Has current owner collective agent Hosted on commercial platform Has carrier version email print Has intended audience of representative expression Not peer reviewed Has hosting institution Issuu Has identifier for work 8 Has title of work Arm The Spirit Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject political publication Has nature of content Available Address P.O. Box 6326, Stn. A AddressCountry Canada AddressLocality Toronto AddressRegion Ontario EndDate 2022 NumberOfItems 2 PostalCode M5W 1P7 StartDate 1992-03-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2056 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://www.kent.edu/Architronic/homepage.htnl Location - URL https://oaks.kent.edu/journals/architronic-electronic-journal-architecture https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://oaks.kent.edu/journals/architronic-electronic-journal-architecture Has current owner collective agent University site Has carrier version listserv gopher ftp www Has intended audience of representative expression Peer reviewed Has date of capture of representative expression 1999-01-17 Has hosting institution Kent State University Has ISSN 1066-6516 Has identifier for work 7 Has title of work Architronic: The Electronic Journal of Architecture Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address School of Architecture and Environmental Design Kent State University AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Kent AddressRegion OH EndDate 1999 NumberOfItems 128 PostalCode 44242-0001 StartDate 1992-12-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2055 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://serials.infomotions.com/aejvc/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://serials.infomotions.com/aejvc/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version listserv ftp gopher Has intended audience of representative expression Peer reviewed Has hosting institution Infomotions, LLC (Eric Lease Morgan) Has ISSN 1068-5723 Has identifier for work 6 Has title of work Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available Address Marshall University AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Huntington AddressRegion WV EndDate 1996 NumberOfItems 6 PostalCode 25755-2440 StartDate 1993-03-15 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2054 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://news.ansible.uk https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://news.ansible.uk Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version email listserv ftp gopher print Has intended audience of representative expression Not peer reviewed Has ISSN 0265-9816 Has identifier for work 5 Has title of work Ansible Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject science fiction Has nature of content Available Address 94 London Road AddressCountry England AddressLocality Reading EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 14 PostalCode RG1 5AU StartDate 1993-07-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2053 Resource class bibo:Journal Digital Origin http://e-math.ams.org/web/index.html Location - URL https://www.ams.org/publications/journals/journalsframework/bull https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.ams.org/publications/journals/journalsframework/bull Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version gopher print Has intended audience of representative expression Peer reviewed Has date of capture of representative expression 1999-01-17 Has identifier for work 4 Has title of work American Mathematical Society Bulletin Has source consulted no address Has subject academic journal Has nature of content Available EndDate Currently published NumberOfItems 1,104 StartDate 1992-01-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2052 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL https://www.amfm.org.uk/amfmnews/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.amfm.org.uk/amfmnews/ Has current owner collective agent Own site Has carrier version listserv www Has intended audience of representative expression Not peer reviewed Has identifier for work 3 Has title of work AMFM Online Edition Has source consulted manual - Google Maps Has subject trade publication Has nature of content Available Address BCM Box 225 AddressCountry England AddressLocality London EndDate 1994 NumberOfItems 0 PostalCode WCIN 3XX StartDate 1992-07-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2051 Resource class bibo:Journal Location - URL http://www.qrd.org/qrd/aids/abrj/ https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.qrd.org/qrd/aids/abrj/ Has current owner collective agent Independent preservation effort Has carrier version listserv Has intended audience of representative expression Not peer reviewed Has hosting institution Queer Resource Directory Has ISSN 1068-4174 Has identifier for work 2 Has title of work AIDS Book Review Journal Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject health Has nature of content Available Address University of Illinois at Chicago Library AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Chicago AddressRegion IL EndDate 2000 NumberOfItems 204 PostalCode 60680-8198 StartDate 1993-03-01 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/early-electronic-journals/item/2050 Resource class bibo:Journal Has current owner collective agent Not preserved or available Has carrier version email Has intended audience of representative expression Not peer reviewed Has identifier for work 1 Has title of work * Has related work of work https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primordial_Undermind Has source consulted ArcGIS Has subject popular music Has nature of content Not available Address CIT AddressCountry USA AddressLocality Pasadena AddressRegion CA PostalCode 91125 StartDate 1994-01-04 --