This screenshot of the Burleigh Family Tree on Ancestry does not include Celia Burleigh, because she was William H. Burleigh's second wife, and they had no children during their marriage. The tree defaults to family continuity.
A pamphlet by a white minister that critiqued the Negro Pew as unbiblical. Harvey Newcomb (1803-1863) was active in the Anti-Slavery movement, at least in the 1830s, but is more famous for his support of Sunday Schools and advice books to young people than for his Abolitionism.
View of Canterbury. The Crandall house is in the upper right hand corner. The two figures on the lawn of the Congregational Church are gesturing towards it, in a subtle sign of support from the artist John Warner Barber, who was an ardent Abolitionist
Article describes a voting protest held by the women of Vineland, New Jersey in the presidential election of 1868. It notes the presence of Black women as well as white, and indicates that the men voting across from them were all respectful of the women.