Street scene from Port-au-Prince, Haiti, ca. 1890, showing a well-dressed man in the front, walking right, and a well-dressed woman in the front, walking left, and in motion during the camera's exposure time. On the scene behind them are other people, a donkey/mule in the street, and various dwellings.
Biography of Sydney Richmond Burleigh written by his wife, Sarah, on the 10th anniversary of his death. The handwritten text is held by the Little Compton Historical Society.
Short article about telegraph companies leaving a dedicated wire for the media - and then a filler, a nineteenth-century equivalent of "this page left intentionally blank"
Map By Anton R. Roessler - UTA Libraries Cartographic Connections: map / text, Public Domain,
Poem by George Shepard Burleigh that appeared in The Christian Freeman, in one of the earliest issues edited by William Henry Burleigh, October 12, 1843, v. 1 no. 41 p. 1