Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/576 Resource class dcterms:Location Title Connecticut - Eastern -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/577 Resource class dcterms:Location Title Connecticut - Western -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/578 Resource class dcterms:Location Title Massachusetts - Central -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/579 Resource class dcterms:Location Title Massachusetts - Boston and eastern Massachusetts -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/580 Resource class dcterms:Location Title Massachusetts - Northampton and western Date Massachusetts around the Connecticut river and west thereof -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/581 Resource class dcterms:Location Title Vermont Rights Map from Adobe Stock, Educational License -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/582 Resource class dcterms:Location Title New Hampshire Rights Photo of stamp by Old stamp, Public Domain https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2929485 Photo Link -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/583 Resource class dcterms:Location Title Maine Rights Map by Moses Greenleaf, a revision of his 1820 map to celebrate statehood https://www.mainememory.net/record/104603 Link to Map -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/584 Resource class dcterms:Location Title Rhode Island Creator 61 Rights By Filetime - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0 https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=97261943 Photo link -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/585 Resource class dcterms:Location Title New York City Rights https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:New_York_City_Hall_1830.jpg Map Link -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/586 Resource class dcterms:Location Title Eastern Pennsylvania -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/587 Resource class dcterms:Location Title Western Pennsylvania -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/588 Resource class dcterms:Location Title Ohio Rights Photograph of Historic Marker by J. J. Prats, August 24, 2019, on Historic Marker Database https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=144277 Historic Marker Database -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/589 Resource class dcterms:Location Title Indiana Rights Found on Indiana History Blog; digital source from which the picture came no longer exists https://blog.history.in.gov/tag/anti-slavery/ -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/590 Resource class dcterms:Location Title Illinois Rights Photo from Adobe Stock - Educational License -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/591 Resource class dcterms:Location Title Wisconsin -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/592 Resource class dcterms:Location Title Michigan -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/593 Resource class dcterms:Location Title Haiti Rights Public Domain Link to Map https://thelouvertureproject.org/index.php?title=File:Colonial_haiti_outline_map.gif -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/594 Resource class dcterms:Location Title New York - Central Upstate Type Print Rights Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Jean Blackwell Hutson Research and Reference Division, The New York Public Library. "Where first hearing in Jerry case took place" The New York Public Library Digital Collections. 1843. https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/510d47df-a19c-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99 Link to Information on Photo -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/595 Resource class dcterms:Location Title Western New York upstate Date 1872 Rights Drew, Allis & Co. Map of Rochester: from the latest surveys. [Rochester, N.Y.: Published by Drew, Allis & Co, 1872] Map. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, . www.loc.gov/item/2011593643/ Photo Link for Library of Congress -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/596 Resource class dcterms:Location Title British Canada Rights Public Domain website for map https://www.canadahistoryproject.ca/1791/1791-06-upper-lower-canada.html Canada History Project -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/598 Resource class dcterms:Location Title Great Britain Rights Figure 2. Jug, 1820-1840, Staffordshire, Great Britain. Lead-glazed, refined white earthenware, pink luster, overglaze black enamel; transfer print. Museum Collections Fund, HD 2019.45. From Historic Deerfield Collection https://decorativeartstrust.org/anti-slavery-ceramics-historic-deerfield/ -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/599 Resource class dcterms:Location Title Ireland Rights View of a stone memorial for the Great Famine of 1849 located in Doo Lough Valley in County Mayo, Ireland - Adobe Stock - Educational License -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/733 Resource class dcterms:Location Title Maryland, Delaware, and Washington D.C. Rights From the National Capital Planning Commission - no known restrictions https://www.ncpc.gov/about/history/ Photo Credit -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/1137 Resource class dcterms:Location Title Plainfield, Connecticut Contributor 751 62 60 59 57 54 50 49 46 45 44 43 Type Specific town -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/1203 Resource class dcterms:Location Title Kansas -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/1314 Resource class dcterms:Location Title California -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/1396 Resource class dcterms:Location Title New Jersey Rights Map from Adobe Stock, Educational License -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/2786 Resource class dcterms:Location Title Texas -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/2797 Resource class dcterms:Location Title Kentucky Rights Map from Adobe Stock, Educational License -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/2800 Resource class dcterms:Location Title Germany -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/2824 Resource class dcterms:Location Title Jamaica Rights Browne, Patrick, 1720?-1790, Active 18Th Century Sheffield, and J Bayly. A new map of Jamaica; in which the several towns, forts, and settlements, are accurately laid down as well as ye situations & depts. of ye most noted harbours & anchoring places. [London?, 1755] Map. www.loc.gov/item/73691842/ Library of Congress Link to this map --