Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/93 Resource class skos:Concept Title Opposition to Death Penalty Contributor 57 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/139 Resource class skos:Concept Title Anti-Mason Subject Illustration from the cover of The New England Anti-Masonic Almanac for the year of our lord 1829, by Edward Giddins. Boston: Anti-Masonic Free Press, 1828. Public Domain https://archive.org/details/NewEnglandAlmanac1832/New%20England%20Almanac%20%281829%29/page/n6/mode/1up Image source Contributor 73 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/140 Resource class skos:Concept Title Women's Rights Subject Article on Women's Property Rights from Charter Oak New Series 1 31 2 August 6 1846 82 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/141 Resource class skos:Concept Title Transcendentalism Creator 59 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/142 Resource class skos:Concept Title Non-Resistance Contributor 57 56 292 359 Type Non-Resistance is also known as No Government movement -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/143 Resource class skos:Concept Title Peace Subject Picture of a newspaper article from The Charter Oak, New Series 1 52 1 December 31 1846. Uncredited to author, but almost certainly William or George Burleigh. 82 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/144 Resource class skos:Concept Title Temperance Contributor 51 47 43 64 63 59 57 56 54 135 137 216 255 95 336 335 334 339 347 361 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/145 Resource class skos:Concept Title Mental Illness, Humane Treatment of Contributor 349 59 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/146 Resource class skos:Concept Title Animals, Humane Treatment of -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/147 Resource class skos:Concept Title Children, Humane Treatment of Creator 55 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/148 Resource class skos:Concept Title Phonography Temporal Coverage review on next page (might be worth transcribing for clarity) is from The Charter Oak, New Series 1, 14, 3, April 9, 1846 82 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/149 Resource class skos:Concept Title Suffrage, African-American Creator 71 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/150 Resource class skos:Concept Title Suffrage, Woman Rights Banner of The Revolution from November 12, 1868 edition 3219 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/151 Resource class skos:Concept Title Freedmen, Aid to -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/152 Resource class skos:Concept Title Anti-Tobacco Creator 57 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/153 Resource class skos:Concept Title Labor, Rights of -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/154 Resource class skos:Concept Title Prison Reform Contributor 349 240 59 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/155 Resource class skos:Concept Title Native American Rights -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/190 Resource class skos:Concept Title Opposition to Annexation of Texas and Mexican War -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/191 Resource class skos:Concept Title Free Soil Party -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/192 Resource class skos:Concept Title Liberty Party Date 1840-1848 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/193 Resource class skos:Concept Title Republican Party Contributor 43 59 342 351 362 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/205 Resource class skos:Concept Title Anti-sabbatarianism Contributor 57 292 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/432 Resource class skos:Concept Title Utopianism -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/433 Resource class skos:Concept Title Spiritualism -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/444 Resource class skos:Concept Title Anti-Imperialism -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/445 Resource class skos:Concept Title Christian Union & Anti-Sectarianism Subject 1840 convention in Grafton, Massachusetts - Cyrus and/or Lucien were there "To All Friends of the Redeemer and of Reform" "Away with Sectarianism" see Adin Ballou's critical take on it in his Autobiography But it speaks to a wider movement -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/529 Resource class skos:Concept Title Underground Railroad URR -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/743 Resource class skos:Concept Title Hydrotherapy and Health Cures Subject William Burleigh spoke at a Glen Haven, New York conference on Water Cure in June 1851 - Frederick Douglass' Paper, June 26, 1851 -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/747 Resource class skos:Concept Title Desegregation of Public Facilities and Public Schools -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/748 Resource class skos:Concept Title Single Tax Temporal Coverage Late 19th and early 20th Century, Progressive Era -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/749 Resource class skos:Concept Title Henry George - ism Temporal Coverage Late 19th Century, Progressive Era -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/750 Resource class skos:Concept Title Esperanto Temporal Coverage Early 20th century Progressive Era -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/756 Resource class skos:Concept Title Opposition to Asian immigrant exclusion Temporal Coverage 1870s forward -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/1074 Resource class skos:Concept Title Free Black Civil Rights -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/1255 Resource class skos:Concept Title Anti-Gambling -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/1324 Resource class skos:Concept Title Abolition Type All types currently included -- Url https://exhibits.sjsu.edu/s/burleigh/item/2631 Title Come-Outerism --